View Full Version : LINK to NIX TREATMENT FOR MITES!!!

04-17-04, 01:33 PM
I am so tired of the whole mites thing on these forums, but who isn't DOH LOL. Here is a link to the NIX treatment explained in full detail for all to read. I hate these threads that dance around the issue & have all these posts from people that sound like "old wives tales" etc. This is how NIX is used properly not just to eliminate or eradicte, but as prevention as a part of a proper quarantine procedure. If we all followed these quarantine practices in the beginning, none of us would ever have our collections exposed/infected. :mad: I'm not posting to hear everyones opinions on what treatments best or this might work or I heard this. I am posting so those who wish to read about & possibly use the NIX treatment, can & do so properly & safely. IMHO (speaking form lots of experience too, not just an internet opinion) NIX treatment is the best for preventing & dealing with mites. NUFF SAID! Mark

you'll have to replace the astrix with an a for it to work

http://www.kingsn*ke.ca/TARAS/contents/care.htm & look under the NIX treatment of course :p there are many other care sheets etc. there also that may be of use.

04-17-04, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by gonesnakee
If we all followed these quarantine practices in the beginning, none of us would ever have our collections exposed/infected. :mad:

Sometimes even when you think you are doing all that you can do, one sneaks past. I always treat as a precautionary measure any newcomers, shower and leave my clothes in the bathroom before entering my room from work or where ever I might've exposed myself to any wandering mites, etc. Unfortunately once a mite was able to sneak its way by via some feeder insects and wreak havoc on part of my collection :mad: :(

04-17-04, 02:07 PM
Agree with you both. Nix has been awesome for me so far and I agree that if EVERYONE always used it with newcommers the mite problems would be far less common.

But like Linds mentioned, those little mites are sneaky buggers and unless you are prepared to NIX your entire house, its contents, then your entire body as well as your wardrobe, then your entire reptile collection, some can sneak past. That in itself is a selling point to use NIX in my opinion as when those sneaky ones get in, NIX can be used so easily and effectively.

Thanks for the link


04-17-04, 08:03 PM
Thanks for the link Mark :) Hopefully won't ever need it, but it certainly can't hurt to have the info handy...


04-18-04, 12:55 AM
Linds, yes I should have said "should" eh LOL One gravid female "tagalong" is all it takes then its major DOH! When I recv. a new specimen with mites I go hardcore on everything (as stated by Marisa Heh Heh) & always get that "crawled on feeling" for weeks after LOL Yeah I hate mites! Mark

05-04-04, 12:54 PM
Bump for those who are asking again in this forum. Mark

05-04-04, 06:51 PM
Strange coincidence that all the "my snake has mites" posts occur precisely when all the wild caught crap is just becoming available.


05-05-04, 12:48 PM
Jeff have you been reading my TARAS site posts? LOL Mark

05-05-04, 07:24 PM
Ha ha no man, I didn;t even know there was a TARA forum!!? Were you JUST saying the exact same thing or something?

Heh heh....great minds think alike.........

05-05-04, 07:26 PM
TARAS forums http://www.cornelsworld.com/forum/ check out the general forum Jeff as I've made a rather contraversial suggestion in reguards to the show rules & etiquette. >( Mark

05-05-04, 07:32 PM
Ha ha, you are a sh*t disturber, aren't you??!! LOL!

But, as a breeder of captive-bred snakes, from pretty much 95% captive bred parental stock, I don't think its too hard to see which side of the fence I p*ss on. Ha ha!

I'm with ya 100% man.

05-10-04, 04:13 PM

05-10-04, 06:25 PM
Maybe the mods should just put up your link as a sticky Mark.

05-11-04, 06:53 AM
oops...didnt see this post before I asked about reptile relief...sorry....lol. eh. we all make mistakes i guess...

05-11-04, 06:59 AM
Mark, that was a good post of yours. However, once you ban LTC and WC, these same LTC and WC will ultimately end up with a CB tag to permit sale. Maybe not all, but this without a doubt will be a route for some...

In addition, I do feel the "mandatory warranty" can be abused as well. I mean, after all, it IS possible for a reptile to die within a day or two - in the wrong hands of course. And sure, you can throw that "as long as they are kept properly" line in there, but again this leaves leeway for dishonest individuals to say they WERE in a proper environment. And how exactly do you prove that they were kept in a proper environment? Who is to say that they cannot manufacture this "proper environment?"

One of my biggest concerns with reptile shows is that at least 80% of the time, people are buying animals without having enclosures set-up in advanced. Of this 80%, I would say at least 50% do not know the exact husbandry requirements. Therefore, one of my suggestions would be to make it MANDATORY to provide a caresheet stating all the fundamental care requirements to a buyer.