View Full Version : Baby burm kiss

04-16-04, 01:26 AM
Well, I finally talked the wife into letting me get a burm. We went to a local reptile shop today, because I wanted her to hold a baby, hoping the cuteness factor would help.
As the kid behind the counter got the baby albino out, he cautioned me, "It's kinda nippy."
Sure enough, as soon as he picked her up, she started striking. He handed her off to me, and I held her as she continued to strike towards him. She finally figured out he wasn't holding her anymore, and nailed me on the wrist/base of the hand, and held on for all she was worth!
The employee just stood there, waiting to see my reaction. I think they were relieved to see me stay still, and just say, "oooowwwwwcccchhhhh."
They had me dunk her in the goldfish tank to get her to let go. Now I'll probably get some icky disease from the goldfish water in the wounds!
Anyways, here's a pic of the bite.....no biggie, but my first from a burm!
The wife thought it was really sweet, how the little itty bitty snake was defending herself! She told me (after we un-attached her from my wrist) that I can get one. She even left me a souvenier in the form of a tooth in my hand! What a sweetie! :D


04-16-04, 06:45 AM
lol,our young burm bit my fiance the other day,lol
thats what she gets for trying to take food out of the cage..lol
any other time we hold her shes fine..

04-18-04, 12:40 AM
I've got a possible double het that was the evilest snake I have ever encountered. I'm been bit well over 10 times by that snake. She even managed to get me on the face. You want them to get that out of their system at that size because it sucks getting bit by a big snake. Congrats on your burm.

04-19-04, 01:45 PM
Hmm... What kind of employee would hand a biting, scared snake off to a customer?? Hello! Don't they know people sue over these kinds of things? You are a good person to understand the animal.... did you ever convince your wife? LOL I hope she knows most snakes have wonderful personalities! Tell her I've got a burm that weighs almost as much as I do, and he's the biggest pussycat! I love my Bandula and I would never change a thing about him! (especially the fact that he's NEVER even TRIED to bite me in the 3 years I've had him!) Good Luck!

04-20-04, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by Samba
Hmm... What kind of employee would hand a biting, scared snake off to a customer?? Hello! Don't they know people sue over these kinds of things?

Most snakes in stores are not used to being handled, and the risk is very possible whether or not the snake is already biting or not. At my old work, we had disclaimers posted everywhere there were animals stating that they althought they were pet, they were still wild animals and can be unpredictable, and to be handled at their own risk. I know personally if I am buying a snake, I don't care how aggressive it is, I am going to want a good look at it. If they refused to let me hold it prior to this I would likely pass on the sale altogether. I don't know of anyone who has refused to allow a snake to be examined by the potential buyer due to aggression...

04-21-04, 03:19 AM
He was very clear with me that it probably would bite, and he held it, as it struck at him, until I took it from him, so no worries there.
The follow up is that I ordered a normal baby male. Hopefully it will be in next week!