View Full Version : Hiding for a L O N G time

Mitch 1.0
04-14-04, 10:03 AM
Hi, I fed my corn, and i left him for 1 whold week, then he went into shed, when he shed, that was the last time i seen him out, he went up his branch, and into this hanging canisted i got (basicly a cylinder with one end blocked), and he hasnt been out since, he has been there for at least a week, i dont want to get him out of it as i think it would cause stress, as he is packed in there. I am worried, i want to see my corn. He is 1 year old.
Any ideas on why he is doing it, or wheter i should just pull him out of it, Please help.

04-14-04, 10:12 AM
well if you are handleing him offten then getting him out shouldnt be a problem, have you fed him a big meal? because if you have then he will just want to rest and will come out and be active when he is hungry again.

04-14-04, 10:17 AM
Mine has only come out of his hides for water or to change warm/cool spots in the middle of the night.

When it's feeding time, he'll probably show his face again. He's still young, so he's probably enjoying the comforts of protective shelter.

Mitch 1.0
04-14-04, 10:23 AM
Thanks, i fed him the normal size, a small mouse, he usually takes no more than a week, Also, he hasnt pooped yet, he is in the cool side of his viv.Its not that im scared etc to get him out, its just where he is, its a tube, he is like, wedged in. i dont think he's stuck.

04-14-04, 10:34 AM
He's a snake. They hide a lot.... don't worry. :D

04-14-04, 01:40 PM
He's probably coming out at night when you're not watching, to get a drink, and then retreating back to a hide that he has decided is a nice place to stay.