04-13-04, 02:27 AM
I'm Roan, a 20 year old (soon be 21) college student in South Carolina. I recently purchased my first snake, a young Ball Python that I have named Nyx (the Greek personification of "night"). I'm a volunteer firefighter and first responder working on a degree in Sociology. I'm interested in eventually working with either law enforcement or armed forces in the realm of criminology. I enjoy driving my Jeep Cherokee, horseback riding, and flyfishing, as well as reading and writing. I'm a meat and potatos kind of guy that prefers simplicity and utilitarianism. As a night owl I'm enjoying watching Nyx explore the tank I've set up (though I might change it soon) and spending many a late hour playing online video games. I handled Nyx for the first time today since I've set things up here in my apartment. In a couple of months I'll be moving to a house where I'll have a more optimal environment for both myself and Nyx. I also have a Chileaen Rose Hair Tarantula, Hektor, that has been about as exciting as a Rose Hair can be over the course of three years. I'm looking forward to watching Nyx grow up and hopefully using Nyx as a way to show some friends and family that snakes are not the demonic creatures they have been made out to be. I'm already engrossed in learning all that I can about Ball Pythons and think that Nyx will make a great companion (as much of a companion as a snake can be). After all, it's all relative. Hope to meet some interesting and experienced snake owners here and learn a great deal.
I'm Roan, a 20 year old (soon be 21) college student in South Carolina. I recently purchased my first snake, a young Ball Python that I have named Nyx (the Greek personification of "night"). I'm a volunteer firefighter and first responder working on a degree in Sociology. I'm interested in eventually working with either law enforcement or armed forces in the realm of criminology. I enjoy driving my Jeep Cherokee, horseback riding, and flyfishing, as well as reading and writing. I'm a meat and potatos kind of guy that prefers simplicity and utilitarianism. As a night owl I'm enjoying watching Nyx explore the tank I've set up (though I might change it soon) and spending many a late hour playing online video games. I handled Nyx for the first time today since I've set things up here in my apartment. In a couple of months I'll be moving to a house where I'll have a more optimal environment for both myself and Nyx. I also have a Chileaen Rose Hair Tarantula, Hektor, that has been about as exciting as a Rose Hair can be over the course of three years. I'm looking forward to watching Nyx grow up and hopefully using Nyx as a way to show some friends and family that snakes are not the demonic creatures they have been made out to be. I'm already engrossed in learning all that I can about Ball Pythons and think that Nyx will make a great companion (as much of a companion as a snake can be). After all, it's all relative. Hope to meet some interesting and experienced snake owners here and learn a great deal.