View Full Version : Prehensile tailed skink info ?

04-12-04, 08:30 PM
Hey everyone, just trying too find out everything I can from people who actually own Prehensile tailed skinks, I’ve read as much as I can online about them and one book, but I always like too hear tips people who own them personally have too share, any info and things you’ve learned about there feeding, care, and breeding, and also what change sizes do you keep them in, (pairs/trios), from what I've read, a 4'x4'x2', should nicely house them,I think I enjoy learning about animals as much as keeping them, so let me know everything you can, Thanks,

04-12-04, 10:15 PM
Lets just say im not the biggest fan. Really cool animals but are very very lazy. If you want an active pet not always the best choice. Im not being to negative because ive had the privilage of dealing with some individuals that were great but they are okay IMO.

Skink Keeper
04-13-04, 12:11 AM
I think they make amazing pets, i have 1.2.2 right now and i don;t find them boring at all, if you have alot of branches in the enclosure it's fun to watch them climb at night. I keep a red night-light on them at night so that i can see them while there active.

They have a huge appetite, so they need to be well fed.( you may need to try out a couple of different veggies to find out what the favourites are), mine like dandelion, and collards, aswell as some fruits but i feed mainly greens.

i keep mine(1.2) in an enclosure thats 3'Lx2'Dx4'T, and my babies are in a tank 2.5'Lx1'Dx2'T so the more height the better.

I think PTS are great, easy to care for as long as they are always fed and watered. if you have any questions PM me and I will try to help.

04-13-04, 11:12 AM
Thanks, not many people have these I take it since very few responded,

04-13-04, 11:43 AM
Check with Teresa at www.tarzet.net
I think she has some, or did at one time (she was selling them a while back).
Nothing like first hand info from a keeper.

04-13-04, 01:27 PM
Wow, inactive? every prehensile i've kept has been very active.

Lots of trees, good temps (not TOO hot) and lots of trees :)

They will constantly be climbing and moving around. Inactive ones are usually not kept properly.

Mine will run to the bottom of the tank when I throw in a bowl of veggies. Make sure they get high quality foods, dark greens etc. Fruits are also good......

04-14-04, 07:46 AM
I house my trio in a 4' x 2' x 2' enclosure. They do dehydrate quickly and also become lethargic if temps are too high (like others have mentioned previously). I also find them to be very active, even so during the day. Mine will come out to the front of the cage when I'm misting them to get a drink and play around a bit.

Like most herbivores, they require large amounts of food. Dark leafy greens are best, and I also feed Pothos to them as it is a very similar composition to their primary food source in the Solomon Islands. They also get Dandelion greens, Hibiscus greens and flowers, Endive, Watercress and the ocasional prickly pear mixed in their salad. I supplement with Minerall and use Rep-Cal Herptivite for a multivitamin supplement.

The major key when composing a group is that all animals are compatable. They have extremely powerful jaws and can cause serious injury or death to cagemates.
