View Full Version : Help on heating needed

04-12-04, 04:18 PM
Hi guys

i have a terrarium like this:

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the A's are lamps. Red heating lamps. These lamps give heat into my terrarium during the night (i also have 1 white lamp for during the day).
However, these "red" lamps give a little TOO much red light, which makes night nearly day because of the light.

Now i want to get a ceramic lamp from elstein or zoomed, but can you tell me how these "lamps" "send" their heat? (not sure how to call it in english, im dutch)

I mean, do they give heat all around the lamp or do they give heat like a spotlight, in a bundle downwards? Because if they give heat around it (like next to it, under it etc) then the area ABOVE my cage will be heated more than the cage itself... which shouldnt happen.

Can anyone help me? I have an chondro python which is stressed and the only reason i can come up with is the light during the night... (it wasnt stressed at all when i got it 4 weeks ago from the breeder. I give it as much rest as possible)

04-12-04, 05:24 PM
ceramic lamp are lamp that actualy the wire that heat is coated with ceramic. It likely difuse the heat like a lamp (infra red heat)

04-13-04, 07:59 AM
Thanks :)
Do you know if it is possible to use them in combination with a dimmer?

04-13-04, 08:10 AM


Hope those links will give you some of the info you are looking for.

04-13-04, 08:11 AM
and yep, I use mine with a dimmer :)

04-13-04, 09:43 AM
Thanks a lot Bichiraddict :)
I just bought one, this one to be exact


the 100watt version :) It was just 8 dollars :)

I'm going to test it and i'll let you know how hot it gets like 40 cm below the lamp and such so other people who might be interested in these results may use this information

04-13-04, 10:41 AM
Well i just tested it and it doesnt get too hot at all :)
I can easily keep my hand like 3inches below it without getting it burned so if you fix the lamp so that your animals wont be able to get any closer than 4 or 5 inches you should be safe for sure.

Really cool lamp, im going to get a bunch more of them tomorrow :D :D
Thanks for the info people!!

04-14-04, 03:15 AM
Hmm I'm afraid I celebrated too early.. last night when the lamp was inside the cage the wood around it became VERY hot, i was actually scared it would take fire. The wood was so hot i could nearly touch it... that can't be good. Its weird though because the lamp doesn't really beam much heat UP but more down and the lamp fitting is located about an inch BELOW the rooftop... but still the rooftop gets terrible hot.
I guess i'd have to get a 60watt version or 2x 60 watt....

04-14-04, 04:03 AM
Man o man, I really hope your not "testing" all these heating methods with the snake STILL in the cage? Because that would be problem Numero Uno.

04-14-04, 04:24 AM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
Man o man, I really hope your not "testing" all these heating methods with the snake STILL in the cage? Because that would be problem Numero Uno.

No of course not I am testing it in an empty cage :)

I was thinking would an alluminum plate between the roof and the lamp return the heat downwards and result in the roof getting less hot?

Since the lamp is on a thermostat the cage itself doesnt get too hot at all, perfect actualy. But the wood around the lamp is the problem.... anyone knows if alluminum could solve this problem?

04-14-04, 10:59 AM
Aluminum dissipates the heat GREAT. It works like a charm for both radient and conductive heat.

But the wood around the lamp might not be your problem. The lamp itself might be the source of all your troubles.

04-17-04, 06:20 PM
your lamp can get up to 380 Celcius for a 100W
you should put a dimmer with it