04-12-04, 03:09 PM
I bought my third snake, a young male Cali King a week last Saturday (3 April). got him home and he seemed hungry so I gave him a pinkie which he ate without trouble.
Since then he has not fed. If I offer him a pinkie he just sniffs it and slithers off.
It has been suggested to me that he may be coming around to shed and his skin looks a little dull but I have noticed no change in the colour of his eyes.
I have put him to soak a couple of times, then checked the water for mites, but nothing untowards there.
How long can I leave it before I should start worrying?
He seems bright and is relatively active.
Since then he has not fed. If I offer him a pinkie he just sniffs it and slithers off.
It has been suggested to me that he may be coming around to shed and his skin looks a little dull but I have noticed no change in the colour of his eyes.
I have put him to soak a couple of times, then checked the water for mites, but nothing untowards there.
How long can I leave it before I should start worrying?
He seems bright and is relatively active.