View Full Version : New Cali Not Eating???

04-12-04, 03:09 PM
I bought my third snake, a young male Cali King a week last Saturday (3 April). got him home and he seemed hungry so I gave him a pinkie which he ate without trouble.

Since then he has not fed. If I offer him a pinkie he just sniffs it and slithers off.

It has been suggested to me that he may be coming around to shed and his skin looks a little dull but I have noticed no change in the colour of his eyes.

I have put him to soak a couple of times, then checked the water for mites, but nothing untowards there.

How long can I leave it before I should start worrying?

He seems bright and is relatively active.

04-12-04, 03:14 PM
I would just let him settle in a bit more and not bother him for a week. Try and feed him again after that. How skinny is he? As long as he has fresh water he'll be fine for quite some time.
I wouldn't worry too much.

04-12-04, 03:20 PM
He is a little thinner than the width of a pencil. He is 'passing' yellow poo which I have been told indicates that he is drinking.

Are males very different to females? Both my striped dessert female and banded coastal female have been good eaters from the moment I brought them home.

Optimus Prime
04-12-04, 03:23 PM
There is no difference between males and females, I guess you can call it personality because some snakes are jsut better feedersthen other. But you should not worrie as long as he is drinkin he can go weeks without food, and it will take him a wile to settle in and get compfy.

04-12-04, 03:25 PM
Men! Typical! Next thing I'll have to buy him a comfy chair to stretch out in. ;o)

04-12-04, 05:54 PM
Yeah he is still settling.

The only differences between males and females is that most males fast when they are horny so don't freak out if he fasts next spring because mice and rats will be the last thing on his mind, but he might be one that likes food as much as mating, who knows!

04-12-04, 05:57 PM