View Full Version : Anyone have a X-Box live 2 month trial code??

04-11-04, 06:16 PM
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has a x-box live 2 month trial code they are not using they could give to me?? I know its off topic but I figure someone must have one since you can only use them once! :) Thanks guys!

Aimee! :D

04-11-04, 06:17 PM
oh yeah if you do please PM me, I am always here even though I dont have any posts, I do mostly reading.. I have been a member since 2002 just never posted! :D

04-11-04, 11:57 PM
have you used one before? you may not be able to use a second if you have, as they track machine serial numbers.

04-12-04, 12:15 AM
heehe ya microsoft sucks but they are not ******** they track the units serial #. same way they they ban people who connect with modchips enabled.

04-12-04, 12:42 AM
they don't actually ban the live account though, just the ID of the box that connected with the chip enabled.

So even if your box got banned for chipping, you could still use your account on a friends xbox :)

04-12-04, 12:01 PM
You CAN have multiple Gamertags, But if you use them all on the SAME xbox you have to "reload" them everytime, it's just a big hassle. You can only use the Trial ONCE on any system. So if i used my 2 month trial i can't give it to someone else to use. Cruciform they have and will ban Gamertags along with whole consoles (from the serial numbers you Have to enter in when you sign up for a new account).

As far as being able to give you a 2 month trial code, good luck thier all expired right now (as far as i'm aware) Wait for the next big game (probably Halo2) and they will release new Trial memberships. If not it's only 50.00 for a year why not do that.


04-12-04, 02:56 PM
all of mine expired at the end of march

04-12-04, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by BoAddict
all of mine expired at the end of march

That's when they all expiered, I'm sure they will bring out more trial memeberships but i doubt they will come until they release the next BIG game, (unless they do a summer offer). Which of course is Halo 2 as long as Bungie doesn't delay the game and it still comes out in Fall of 2004.

I spend way too much time playing video games. LOL

04-12-04, 06:23 PM
Drewlowe: if you use a mod chip they don't ban your gamertag, they ban the serial number of the Xbox connecting to live if the system shows signs of modification (eg. modified bios or hard drive files)

The gamertag can be banned for lots of reasons, but I've yet to hear of anyone losing their gamertag for modding. They just aren't able to play on live using a modded box.

I own a modded box AND worked on an Xbox live title, so I'm not talking out of my butt :)

04-13-04, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by Cruciform
Drewlowe: if you use a mod chip they don't ban your gamertag, they ban the serial number of the Xbox connecting to live if the system shows signs of modification (eg. modified bios or hard drive files)

The gamertag can be banned for lots of reasons, but I've yet to hear of anyone losing their gamertag for modding. They just aren't able to play on live using a modded box.

I own a modded box AND worked on an Xbox live title, so I'm not talking out of my butt :)

I know all about banning modded xboxes i don't even think i mentioned modded xboxes, I just made the point that they will and can ban gamertags along with whole systems, i have heard of quite a few gamertags being banned for various reasons.

What game did you work on, just out of curosity?

04-13-04, 12:24 PM
I wasn't sure if you were or not, so was just covering the bases. :)

and it was Unreal Championship.

04-13-04, 01:14 PM
UC NICE!!!! Only one thing can i yell at you for the looooooong load times. LOL J/K...

04-13-04, 01:16 PM
Every modchip you buy these days has some sort of switch for disabling the chip when you play online...

04-13-04, 02:28 PM
The new ones do, but some of the older ones don't.

Also, if you put in a replacement hard drive you want one that supports locking, which Live will check for. It also checks the layout of files on the drive, so if you have an 80 gig drive for example, you want the first 8-10 gig to essentially mirror the original drive, then you can put your MAME or Media Center stuff on the optional partitions (F or G if you use Slayer's Evox setup)

If the layout isn't done properly, even if the modchip is disabled you can fail the security check. It's one way of keeping people honest when they play online :)

Cheaters drive me mad >:(