View Full Version : How should I?

04-11-04, 01:54 PM
I'll be moving tomorrow and am wondering how to move my corn without him getting chilled or anything. I was going to put him in a margine container and put him in a cooler with a couple of warm water bottles. What does everyone think of this? Good/bad? And how should I gauge the water temp? Luke warm, hot etc?

Thanks everyone.

04-11-04, 02:00 PM
How long will he be without heat? If its only a few hours at room temp, he will be totally fine.


04-11-04, 02:07 PM
i move snakes in cloth bags. i then put the bag in an insulated cardboard box. works fine for me :)

04-11-04, 02:21 PM
He should be in the cooler for a couple of hours max. But it's pretty cold outside so I didn't want him to get chilled. He'll be in there long enough to move his aquarium over to the new house(15 minutes away) and for the aquarium to get to room temp, then I'll put him back in.


04-11-04, 02:35 PM
if you can find a wal mart or something like that they have hand warmers and feet warmers. They are little square pouches, kind of like what they use when shipping snakes. We have more than a few of these just in case the electricity goes out. They may have them at other places than wal-mart, like hunting stores, and even fishing stores, maybe home depot or lowes?

04-11-04, 02:51 PM
I think that would be fine

04-11-04, 03:03 PM
What I use pillow cases, if it’s cold out I use a box with a Pop bottle full of warm water (I normally use the hotter side of warm) taped too the one side inside it (too stop it from rolling over the snake, then the snake can crawl onto that if he’s cold, and move away form it if he’s warm, keeps a mini temp gradient always best too give a hot and cold and let him pick his perfect spot. I moved last week its a 2 hour drive and everything arrived just fine, for a 15 min drive, I wouldn’t bother with any of that, just stick him in a pillow case, and keep him at room temp, make sure the car isn’t cold when you go out, and if its really cold carry the bag inside your jacket while going from the house too the car, if you can bring the tank before him it can be all warmed up and ready too go when you arrive.

04-11-04, 03:32 PM
Don't make so much work for yourself. if your moving 15 minutes away. Warm up your car, toss a heavy towel or something over the tank, drive to your new place bring him in and plug the tank back in. leaving him in his own tank for that short of a trip I would think would be best
