View Full Version : My new rosy
09-16-02, 04:32 PM
Agreat little snake.
What an angel!
I used to keep my rosy in aspen bedding too, then i switched to newspaper at the advice of my vet.....but i prefer the aspen, he likes it MUCH better. It was just precautionary....maybe ill just feed him in another container, the vet was concerned that he might swallow it.
Dangit, im switching back to aspen, your rosy looks so cozy in it.
09-16-02, 05:28 PM
It really likes to crawl underneath it.I do take him as well as all my snakes into another container keeps them from wanting to take a bite outta me.But you are right they are easy to handle.I would recommend them to anyone
what is this aspen stuff?? is it specifically reptile?? or what??
It's almost like hamster substrate. You can buy it at the petstore for a variety of animals as long as it's untreated and unscented, it's like wood shavings I think.
The kind that I prefer, they sell in unmarked bags at this reptile store I like (about 3 hours away from my house!) It is not flat slabs like in this pic, it is more like thinner shreds.
It's wood, dude. I don't know what kind.
Last time I fed my rosy, I tried to pull him back because he was wandering off and I had another pinkie for him, and he SNAPPED! He started going crazy trying to bite whatever was touching him, and then when i put the pinkie in front of him, he was so pissed he kept missing it! He's never done anything like that before. LOL My roommate was watching and she just looked down in abject horror crying that "he had changed". <laughs>
LOL. He's such a cutie! Yeah, I'm weird, but he's a cool little guy.
Originally posted by Wrath
It's wood, dude. I don't know what kind.
Aspen ;)
It's just shredded aspen wood. It's a hardwood, so unlike pine shavings and other softwoods it has no harmful oils in it. It is great for burrowing species or species that do not require high humidity. It is available at any pet supply store. It is used for everything from small animals to reptiles and even birds. The only thing you have to watch is that they do not ingest any.
09-16-02, 06:49 PM
I take turns playing with most of my snakes while i am on the computer,and this little one is just the most behaved.Never have to untangle it from anything or keep reaching for it to bring back.I think it is great.I would definatly suggest one for a 1st time snake owner
09-16-02, 07:11 PM
lol such a cutie, i like them when they are big!!!
Nice lookin' snake!! Hope to get one some day myself!
oh ok thanx you 2, I will have to get some of that stuff!
09-19-02, 02:53 PM
Thatsss sooo tiny :)
Scotty Allen
09-19-02, 02:58 PM
In response to "Aspen" we use a product called "Beta Chip" It is made from treated hardwood. It is granular (pellets) and far more suitable for burrowing species and all others that do not require excess humidity. I have never seen or heard of any problem from an animal ingesting this substrate unlike shredded softwoods like Aspen, various mulches etc. which can cause serious intestinal problems if swallowed. Your local Co-Op or Farm Supply store should be able to get it for you.
What about that reptile sand they sell the stuff thats made out of calcium. Would that be good for a rosy?
Eek, I would avoid using sand for rosys period. It can get impacted in there gums, etc. Calci-Sand is probably to large to get impacted in their gums, but can cause impaction if ingested. I personally don't like Calci-Sand in any application.....
I like crushed walnut for rosys. I use it for my rosy, but only because he is a fussy eater and will only even think about food if it is in his little tiny cell phone box. Even if hes in my hand still he eats as long as the food is in the box :rollyeyes:. It looks great for display and is super easy to clean. However, if I was able to feed him in his enclosure I would probably switch to beta chip.
From what I have been told Beta Chip is made from aspen chips (aspen is a hardwood - hence no aromatic oils).........
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