View Full Version : She's growing so fast!

04-10-04, 06:36 PM
Hey guys... I bought an 18" BCI baby a little over two months ago. They told me she was born in November of '03. In the two months I've had her she has almost doubled in length! I know that they slow their rate of growth as they get older, but everything I've read says that she should be about 3" by the end of her first year.... not the end of her first sixth months. Is the fact that she's growing so rapidly now going to mean that she's going to be huge? Is there any correlation? Or do I have to just wait and see how she turns out?

Not that I'm complaining... Just curious.


04-11-04, 12:22 AM
I don't know what it means other than that you must be doing something right! lol

04-11-04, 01:35 PM
You are doing something right, but it may be a temporary growth spurt. I have the entire gamut here for BCIs - babies, yearlings, 2-3 year olds, and adults. Some of them grow after every single meal. Some double their length, then slow down for 6 months, then double their length again. Keep doing what you're doing though, and who knows... you may end up with a 9 footer. :)