View Full Version : Our Mommy and Mommy to be

04-10-04, 05:31 PM
These are pics of our Albino Patternless Burm with her eggs. She was bread with a Partially Patterless Granite Burm. The other is a Bob Clark/Cory Woods Burm that is a proven breeder of Granite and Albino Granite Burms.

Anyone interested in the 2004 babies please email us at ddgrills@rogers.com



Let us know what you think.

04-10-04, 08:42 PM
Congrats!!! Thats awesome. Good luck with them.

04-10-04, 11:50 PM
Hey Congrats, I jsut have too ask what wrong with the tail ?

04-11-04, 08:28 AM
The problem with her tail was she broke it. The Vet figures it was a compression break and we could not have it removed with her being gravid. Now that she has had her eggs we can take her in and have the surgery done to remove the damaged area.


04-11-04, 08:48 AM
That’s what I had thought but I couldn’t think why you wouldn’t have had it removed, but that makes perfect sense. Also I noticed her Pink head, my young burm is getting allot of pink, he’s only young but it comes in much more clear every time he sheds. I didn’t realize this even happened in bums, I rarely see picks with pick on the head.