View Full Version : which cornsnake?

04-10-04, 01:09 PM
I am going to purchase a 2003 cornsnake, and I keep going back and forth because I am so indecisive. So I thought maybe you could all help me make up my mind. Originally I was going to purchase a creamsicle. Now I have decided on either a snow corn or an amelanistic corn. What do you think? And also, if you have any pics of any of these morphs that you personally own, that would be great! Thanks much!

04-10-04, 02:39 PM
Well since this is going to be your own corn, it has to be something that you like personally.

All we can do is to give you our own opinions...

I have both amels and snows.

So I'll post pics of each

<img src="http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid51/p7659455e28830601394a85f319f764cf/fca30192.jpg">

<img src="http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid91/p74b2924a24bfd37aba9cf0155d8f9178/fa65ab20.jpg">

From what I think, you should go with the amel. Since you first picked the creamsicles. Now the amels are the next closest color to the cream....but that's just my opinion~~

04-11-04, 06:09 PM
I prefer amels for looks but snows for the potential breeding projects. Of course I like creamsicles best of all - but that is just my bias!

A yearling amel,


a young snow,

one of my favorite amels

another snow - 2 year old

one of our creamsicles


good luck with your choice and let us know what you decide,

mary v.

04-11-04, 08:34 PM
like the above, i would go for the amel to. i think the bright colors catch my eye;-)

04-13-04, 08:24 PM
I have both anerythristic(blueish white with dark navy spots) and amelanistic corns but i like the anery. better. but hey that's just me and u can pick depending on ur personality

04-13-04, 08:31 PM
Just figured I would say...in case you didn't know, a creamsicle corn is not a pure corn, it is a cross between a corn snake and a great plains rat snake, just keep this in mind. :)

04-18-04, 03:41 AM
if the snake is a to be a pet then i think you should just choose the one you like best.. check the individual animals health out of course but as far as which morph to choose, well, just choose the one that catches your eye most..
for me that meant a snow.. i think i just like the albino looks