View Full Version : vermiculite

04-10-04, 01:01 PM
I was reading on a website that vermiculite is found to have traces of asbestos in it, and that perlite should be used for incubation instead.
any thoughts?

04-12-04, 12:37 AM
I doubt that asbesto would be in
because asbesto in fine powder is cancerigenous, vermiculite has
fine powdered material so it would be banned

I use vermiculite and most breeder do it too with near 100% success
perlite retain too much water AMO

04-12-04, 12:05 PM
I didnt think it would contain it either but I was just browsing on the beanfarm website and if you look up the price of perlite it mentions in the description that traces of asbestos have been found in vermiculite. This is the 2nd time i've heard this just curious if anyone has more info on it before i use it for incubating.

04-12-04, 12:31 PM
Many many many moons ago, you would have found traces of asbestos in vermiculite. We're talking 15 years ago here. Not only is it no longer found in vermiculite being produced, you can be guaranteed that any stock that has been sitting around in warehouses has more than been liquidated. Perlite can be used with equal success if you're really paranoid, but believe me... vermiculite made in the last decade or so will NOT contain asbestos.