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04-09-04, 03:45 PM
how does one convince his mother into letting him put mice in the garage? also how many female mice can you have per male? female rats per male?

04-09-04, 06:41 PM
Convincing; good luck, Moms are weird like that. as for ratio, for mice, you can have up to 1.6 and rats I like to keep at 1.2 or 1.3.

04-09-04, 07:19 PM
ok thanks...

04-09-04, 07:34 PM
Tell her that she already has mice in the garage. You just want to keep some in cages.

04-09-04, 07:36 PM
Scalawag, LOL!!

04-09-04, 07:52 PM
keep locks on the cage, or atleast make them LOOK locked. lol.

Study up on them and tell her that breeding mice/rats would be a good experience to watch the whole cycle of life. life, breeding, birth, and death. Mom's (usually) will be so touched that you want to learn something like that. lol and and one more thing that might help.....LUCK.

Good luck!

04-09-04, 07:52 PM
lol...that might actually work:-)

04-09-04, 08:05 PM
lol, mykee, i have heard of people putting up to 1 male mouse to 20 females and being successful. Ofcourse this is only the extreme and not the norm.


BTW. All those plans sound good, definetly tell her what scalywag said!

04-09-04, 08:07 PM
Some more ideas

and you could always make it financial to. About how you don't have to go spend x amount of dollars to feed your snakes.

Make it work out to where it sounds like it's her idea

Or appear to be in "deep thought" about how raising mice/rats will affect you and your families life (as in will you be able to spend as much time with them, will you be able to take care of your "pets" as well as you do your "breeders")

let her "catch" you doing research or raising and breeding mice/rats for snake food, and safe, humane ways to kill them.

And the same as above as well (about how you want to expierence life, breeding and death, but wants to know how SHE feels about it)

I did all these at one time or another to convince some family member or another to let me get one thing or another (lol to many times to remember what i was trying to get!!!!) and they all usually worked, several times.

Good luck, keep us posted!

04-09-04, 08:23 PM
ok thanks...i will be trying these. i will tell you if they work

04-10-04, 11:47 AM
As for keeping rodents in a garage in general...

Mice and rats will not breed if it is too warm or too cool. Ideally they should be kept in the 65-70 range. Garages typically become quite hot during the summer months, and cold in the winter.

04-10-04, 12:55 PM
The garage is the only place i could keep them in. If i kept them all year round would they jsut breed when the temps were right? or would they never be able to breed again if the temps got messedd up?

04-10-04, 04:36 PM
If it got too hot in the garage (which it does in MOST garages) they would all stop breeding and most likely die.

If it got too cold they would suffer effects like illness and maybe even death. You cannot be successful with fluctuating garage temps unless your garage is heated/cooled or the fluctuations are minor.


04-10-04, 05:45 PM
could i breed in the fall/spring and kill off all the mice at the other times.