View Full Version : jungle corns

04-09-04, 12:23 PM
hi all! can everyone please post pics of their jungles? you dont see many on here so i thought it wold be cool to see what people have got :D

04-09-04, 01:48 PM
I'll consider posting some later maybe, but in the General Colubrid forum as they are not Cornsnakes, but hybrid Colubrids usually Califorinia kingsnake X Cornsnake. Therefore should not be in the Cornsnake forum (or the kingsnake) but in the Colubrid forum. Too many people think that they are just another Cornsnake phase. They should be called Jungle Corn/Kings. I think the reason they went Jungle Corn instead of Jungle King is that average Joe always wants a Corn & shys away from a kingsnake. Kingsnakes always get a bad rap when compared to those wimpy Corns LOL I'll try to get some decent pics together up for ya there later. Mark

04-09-04, 03:37 PM
Cornsnakes are not whimpy.

04-09-04, 04:01 PM
Cornsnakes are not whimpy
Lol! Compared to what?


04-09-04, 04:08 PM
yeah, i know there a hybrid of the 2 species . i am considering paring one of my corns with a king next year, i just thought jungles are really cool. lol, i must agree, cornsnakes are wimpy compared to most snakes, but there still pretty cool! thanks all :)

04-09-04, 10:28 PM
"Corns are not whimpy" LOL Corns are always stereotyped as being wimpy whereas Kings get stereotyped as being the opposite. Ask any petstore employee LOL Mark
P.S. I have nothing againest Corns I own PLENTY LOL ;)

04-10-04, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by gonesnakee
I'll consider posting some later maybe, but in the General Colubrid forum as they are not Cornsnakes, but hybrid Colubrids usually Califorinia kingsnake X Cornsnake. Therefore should not be in the Cornsnake forum (or the kingsnake) but in the Colubrid forum. Too many people think that they are just another Cornsnake phase.

Unless you know the genetics of a jungle, it's hard to tell they're not pure corns. The name suggests a cornsnake, they are sold as cornsnakes, they can and do pass for amazing looking cornsnakes. With all the evidence pointing towards them being corns, it's not surprising to find posts about them in the cornsnake forum. It's quite okay to post about them here. Getting too technical about where to post means we'll have to get down to the genetic level of the snake to decide which forum to use. Let's just keep it simple.

Scales Zoo
04-10-04, 08:35 AM
Jungles aren't pure corns, Jungles are Kings x Corns - that is why people call them jungles.

They are pictured in a few cornsnake manuals, along with gophercorns (gopher snakes x corn snakes).

I think Mark is onto something, so many people are starting to think Jungle corn is just another morph of a corn snake - which it isn't, and should never be sold as a "corn snake" - as it is a hybrid.

Maybe jungle corn posts in the cornsnake forum are adding to the confusion.

But if I had a picture of one to share, I likely would put my picture in the cornsnake forum - as the general colubrid forum is usually used for snakes that aren't kings or corns, and jungles are both, and neither, at the same time. But they aren't corns, they are hybrids. Maybe some day there will be enough hybrid snakes for a hybrid snake forum on ssnakesss.com.


04-10-04, 09:58 AM
I think Mark was making a big deal of where the post was to make a point of the fact that jungle corns are NOT PURE.

<img src=http://img48.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/junglemale.jpg>
<img src=http://img48.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/jungles.jpg>
<img src=http://img48.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/junglebod1.jpg>

04-10-04, 02:48 PM
Ryan & Katt nailed it. Too many people ask me about JCs that think they are just a type of Cornsnake. I think that it is important especially for us breeders working with them to clarify this to everyone as false. They are a HYBRID not a morph or a phase. I think posting about them in a Cornsnake forum only adds to the confusion especailly for Newbies etc. & I get tired of explaining it to people who assummed they were Corns because they are discussed as such whereas they are not (Big pet peeve LOL) As mentioned above people like to consider them Corns because thats what people want for their first snakes more often then not. So they are represented as such for marketing purposes (not by me or any RESPONSIBLE breeders) I feel its important that people are educated properly from the beginning myself, but to each their own I guess LOL
P.S. Nice Jungle Kings Katt LOL

04-10-04, 03:18 PM
The real problem, as I see it, is the fact that any names other than the proper scientific names are used in the first place.

This site has it right. There isn't a "corn" forum, there is a "Elaphe Guttata Guttata" forum, why we need to call them by these confusing and innaccurate (particularly in the case of a "jungle corn" or anyother hybrid) is beyond my understanding.

I often hear the theory that it's someone's idea of a marketing ploy but I wonder who that someone is. Responsible breeders aren't doing it, serious hobbyists aren't inventing the names as far as I know... is it the sleazy pet store owners again? Why should this useless terminology prevail over easy to understand scientific taxonomy?

Maybe if those of us who know better stopped using these dumb nicknames and helped the newbies to do likewise we could faze this out, save a lot of confusion and limit the amount of improperly identified animals on the market.

04-10-04, 03:32 PM
No proper scientific names for hybrids though Killa. People are too lazy to list both latin names of the species that were cross bred so they think up a cool name that people can relate too. You are very correct in purebred species though as common names aren't nessicarily "common" every where & can lead to much confusion. No matter what people will always use slang & common names & yes there will always be confusion because of it. We can only do what we can do to try & keep them straight on whats what, DOH!

04-10-04, 04:11 PM
2 stupid questions: I've never seen a jungle corn up close. Do they have keeled or smooth scales? Also, are jungle corns more prone to eat other snakes than say a regular rat snake? Sorry, but I just had to ask.

04-10-04, 05:42 PM
Another excuse to post pics of these guys - taken yesterday - love how intense their color is. They are from jungle X jungle - don't look anything like either corns or kings to me (definate king type head and more of a corn pattern). These definately have a mild, gentle personality - male normal is a bit more intense than the albino female.




Their father (now owned by friends who bred the two youngters above)

04-10-04, 07:11 PM
OK I have a couple to add to the pile. They are Father & Son (2003) BTW Mark

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/AJC.JPG"width="600">

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/PRECIOUS 1.JPG"width="600">

Scales Zoo
04-10-04, 07:22 PM
Look, Mark posted Jungle corn pictures in the cornsnake forum!!!

That bottom one is even more striking in real life. Doesn't look like a Corn or a Cal King - amazing snake.


04-10-04, 07:25 PM

There's no good reason why Jungles can't have scientific names. Someone had to assign them to all the pure bred animals, right?

My point was that those of us who do know better could consciously avoid the kiddy names and stick to the real names. That would go a long way I think because newbs pick up their lingo from the oldschoolers. Maybe it's not realistic to think that it's going to ever happen but we have only ourselves to blame because we perpetuate it.

04-11-04, 12:08 AM
A species is a discrete grouping of animals that can only breed with each other. Since this is not the case, they don't really deserve a name. However, that being said the society finch which is completely man made does have a scientific name. It will most likely in time be called Pantherophis, or Lampropeltis domesticus. Domesticus being common for cats, dogs, and of course the society finch.

Those intense yellow jungle is KILLER. I want one exactly like that. Mark's Precious is another KILLER.

I no longer own any jungles. Vanan has my pair now. I have only a little gopher corn.