View Full Version : Still waiting for eggs

04-07-04, 01:37 PM
At first I though i would get eggs the third week into march because my gecko's mated several times the last week of febuary but now it's april 7th. I have increased misting, the day time temp reaches 78/80 with a cool spot as well. She has a couple places to lay eggs. My gecko looks fat . Today I decided to seperate her from her mate and placed her in her orginal tank with another female hoping she will lay. Any advice?

04-09-04, 04:08 PM
Just be patient. If your female isn't large enough, doesn't have sufficient calcium stores, or isn't fully sexually mature, you may not see eggs for some time.

It usually takes longer than 3-4 weeks from the time you introduce them.

I wouldn't have taken her out of the male's enclosure, either. Cage changes lead to stress and stress can cause them to become eggbound or lay infertile clutches. That's not to mention that sometimes multiple matings are required to get a good clutch. You never know if it was a successful mating.

04-09-04, 04:23 PM
Thanks for the reply...She's 37grams and very healthy. She eats a lot of dusted crickets, baby food, and has a uv light. She's a bit younger then the male but the same size and bulkier. I will put her back with the male right away.

04-10-04, 07:44 AM
if you do separte them, remove the male. that way, she has the whole enclosure and does not get stressed. leave a container with soil in it. my girl loves the soil. not sure what medium you are using, but soil was where mine laid her eggs. good luck.

04-11-04, 03:37 AM
I would agree with Colleen and Anthony. If you seperate anyone it should be the male so that you don't cause her too much stress. How old are they? My males usually hover around the 56g mark, and my smallest female sits at around 45g, with my biggest female sitting at a freakishly large 67g. It may just be a matter of age.
As Anthony already said, sometimes it just takes a little time.
Good luck!