View Full Version : April 3rd Herping

04-06-04, 06:32 PM
Went out to few spots to see what was moving.

During the Day

19 Red Backed Salamanders
3 Jeffersons
1 Yellow Spotted Salamander
4 Red Spotted Newts
5 Wood Frogs
4 Green Frogs
Hundreds of egg masses


6 Yellow Spotted Salamanders
13 Jeffersons
30+ Spring Peepers seen and hundreds calling
420+ newts.... I actuly counted to 318 but by that time my flashlight was starting to die and I still had about 100 feet of pond left to walk. If I had of counted them all and walked slowly the number would have been huge i'm thinking probably 1000+ in the pond.
Also had a pack of coyotes barking and yipping which was pretty cool.

Found 11 species of Herps in Ontario already.

04-06-04, 06:53 PM
Wow, there hasn't been a single frog or turtle show its head in the pond outside work yet.

Where are you herping?

04-06-04, 07:39 PM
thats a great take, where did you go?

04-06-04, 09:24 PM
I'm so jealous.. it's still SNOWING here..

04-07-04, 11:03 AM
LOL... I have'nt even seen an earthworm yet!!!

04-07-04, 02:31 PM
Got spotteds and paints last Saturday... first turtles for me.

04-07-04, 02:48 PM
The only things I have seen so far are some American Toads in my garden...and we spotted three garters in a local conservation area. Two were locked up while a smaller male was sitting about 5 feet away. Everytime we moved he would get all excited and come closer to us.


04-07-04, 02:58 PM
yeah nothing is poking their heads out here either...... probably because there are still a few feet of ice
You guys are so lucky that can start herping already

04-08-04, 02:38 PM
I was herping around Hamilton, haven't found any snakes there yet but my brother found a garter and a N. water snake.