View Full Version : Varathane: Colours in plastic

04-06-04, 09:58 AM
ummmmm, did I make a mistake in using this stuff to paint the inside of my enclosure?

It says its safe for marine use.....

I can't find any product info on it :(

The exact wording on the front of the can is:

Varathane, Colours in Plastic
Plastic Enamel

Kitchen and Bath
Furniture and Floors
Marine and Outdoor

If it is not safe, how do I get rid of it? ( other than scraping the enclosure )

If it is ok, how do I know when it's ready to be used if
Originally posted by Linds

It will continue to stink for a loooong time. I believe it can offgas for several years. I know a few people on here, Jeff included, tried it and ended up going over it with other finishes trying to seal it in, and the stuff still came through.

04-06-04, 11:33 AM
I did the same thing, ended up selling the cage. It would probably be better to use what linds used on her cages. I can't remember what it's called. But she says it can waterproof the cage.

04-06-04, 01:10 PM
If it's melamine paint, it should be fine. It says it's for kitchen and bath, marine and outdoor, which means it's probably quick drying, and dries to a veneer finish. I've never used it personally, but I have heard of people using melamine paint and similar products, and they offgassed for a week or so, then were fine. use your discretion, but I'd try coating a piece of scrap first and see how long it still stinks.

04-06-04, 02:55 PM
From the back of the can:

" Interior, Exterior and Marine

Colours in Plastic Plastic Enamel is an extremely durable enamel for use on kitchen and bathrom cabinets, walls, furniture, floors, woo and metal doors, boats and exterior trim "

does that help more?

We used it on our fish tank stand and top, I can;t remember how long it took to quit stinking. Less than a week I believe.

Is it safe once there is no more smell to it?


04-06-04, 02:59 PM
Once there is no smell, expose it to heat for an hour and smell it again. But, no smell means no offgassing, so it's safe at that point.

04-06-04, 05:59 PM
thanks Ken :)

04-07-04, 02:28 PM
I called Krylon and they told me
Low Odour Clear (Matte or Gloss) was Non toxic once cured
They told me that paint take 24hours to cure and a child could
play with a toy painted with that and it would be okay

it's formulated from latex.

I wanted something to seal Urethan foam which could be toxic so
I guess it will work.

04-12-04, 07:40 AM
Well, I emailed Tremco and surprisingly got a response the next day.
I have found the info needed, and am quite confident this product is safe once cured.
I was faxed some technical info on it, and here's an excerpt

" non-toxi (baby safe) when dry
-resists water, alcohol and household chemicals
- use on: kitchen and bath cabinets, toys, wood and metal doors, walls, mouldings, concrete floors, boats and exterior trim"

" Dry times: At 21C and 50% reletive humidity
-to touch: 4hrs
- to recoat: 8-24hrs
- full cure: 7 days ( maximum durability )

just thought I would pass on the info for anyone considerring using this product :)