View Full Version : A question for you moderators.....

Gregg M
04-06-04, 01:33 AM
I posted a pic on another site and it was taken down..... They told me it was taken down for the time being because of administrative reasons...... Do any of you know what that would be about???? They are not telling me exactly why they did this..... They said to e mail them with my questions but none have answered me so far....... They just keep dancing around my questions.....

04-06-04, 01:46 AM
What was the pic of?? What are the rules like on the site?? I mean, here, the only reason a pic would get taken down, is if it's something against the TOS..

04-06-04, 05:16 AM
Some sites won't let you link you pics from another site. If you pic was stored in our gallery that may be yours reason.