View Full Version : Cal king breeding (almost) pics - graphic

04-05-04, 10:40 PM
This young albino male had been exposed to this female's shed skin two days before being put with her, and was absolutely tying himself in knots over it. He damaged and bruised a few scales in the process - so we took the shed out after about 10 minutes.

When introduced a few days after her latest feeding, he took no chances with her as she is much larger than he is. He grabbed her head immediately - got a perfect grip to prevent her from opening her mouth and subdued her completely. She stayed absolutely still.


After an hour of activity - looked like a successful first attempt

But digital cameras come in handy and photos taken during the breeding revealed that even though he had her head controlled, he hadn't been able to line up successfully with her cloaca and although the hemipenis is everted it was not a successful breeding attempt. Her cloaca is at the extreme left edge of the photo.


May be that my photo taking interfered, as they have since bred successfully - just wanted to post to illustrate that even when it appears that breeding has taken place and sperm spillage is evident, there is not always fertilization.

I also thought the head grip was pretty neat - although Dixie was less than impressed (slightly offended I think!) Thjis big girl laid 28 slugs last year (had never been bred).

mary v.

04-05-04, 11:17 PM
Nice grip! :) Good pics too...

Good luck with them, Mary.

beth wallbank
04-06-04, 12:22 AM
very cool Mary........beautiful albino! I bought a "pair" or proven albinos last season, and low and behold, they have BOTH since laid eggs.........lol.

04-06-04, 12:24 AM
Awesome pics!!! That head grabbing pic is the best! Thanks for sharing those. I can't wait too see this happening over here.


04-06-04, 12:37 AM
Wow -- I love that albino, he's awesome! :) I don't normally like albino cal kings all that much... but he's really nice! Best of luck with that breeding :) The head lock pic is very cool....


04-06-04, 12:39 AM
I am with Clownfishie on this one...That is a beautiful albino..

04-06-04, 02:23 AM
Tres cool albino!

04-06-04, 06:21 PM
That's the pair you got from us Beth? That's funny b/c the male was supposed to be a proven breeder from Mark IsBell!

Very nice pic series Mary, especially of the purple 'pene!

04-06-04, 08:23 PM
Great pics!!! The albino is beautiful.

04-06-04, 09:38 PM
woah, that looks amazing. and the albino looks great too. good luck with the babies

Optimus Prime
04-06-04, 11:44 PM
They like it rough huh ;)

04-07-04, 07:20 AM
Gotta love kings mating, ;) Never a dull moment. Congrats Mary. Whenever you get bored of that albino. You can send him my way. I have a girl just waiting for him


04-07-04, 07:37 AM
Great pic! Man I would be too nervouse to breed kings.
Good luck,

04-07-04, 09:35 AM
Nice illistration Mary. Nice pics. Keep us updated.


04-07-04, 10:28 AM
Just a simple question and please don't freak on me king owners!!!!! But have any of you ever fed your kings another snake such as a garter or ribbon snake? or are you strictly against it as i would be

04-08-04, 03:54 AM
Strictly against..why would you want to do that?

04-08-04, 12:41 PM
With Kings, there's no point or need to it, and a whole lot of risks that come with it, so why bother...?

04-08-04, 10:24 PM
Looking good Mary,

Is the female het-albino?

Good luck with your 04 breeding season