View Full Version : substrate for box turtles

04-05-04, 09:57 PM
Thanks to all for the replies to my other questions...

But now, what is the best substrate for box turtles? I have read various things, from soil to cypruss mulch, to newspaper, to moss.

I brought home two ornates, and put them in with about 1.5 to 2 inches of a mix of mostly peat moss, a little sphagnum moss, and some bark. Anyhoo, when I put the turtles into the enclosure, the male just dug down to the bottom, and kinda plowed around the place, so i picked him up, and he was covered with dirt. it was like all over his face and stuff. So i washed it off, and dried his bottom, and put him back into the enclosure and he did it again. Then I put a hollowed log over him and he hasn't done much since...

Anyway, does this sound like regular behavior? I've read that they like dig and stuff (which is why I didn't want to use newspaper or astroturf).

But that's it for now, any help would be appreciated!!

Rob V