View Full Version : anyone with crickets?

04-05-04, 02:51 PM
my cricket needs have now eclipsed the point of buying at teh pet store, so I will be buying bulk soon

I am wondering if any of you have any suggestions for cricket bins as well as a good bulk cricket dealer in the US

I plan to buy 1000 small and 1000 large (as I have babies and adults to feed)

thanks in advance

04-05-04, 02:56 PM
what eats crix other than mabey you leos? and for the bins just get a rubber maid and cut a hole out of the top or punch some holes all over it.

04-05-04, 03:18 PM
yeah, I have the leos and my roommate has pygmy chameleons and senegal chameleon, and we also have a veiled around here too...I forgot I had the livestock list in the sig

04-20-04, 11:43 AM
any suggestions of online cricket dealers?

in the US

04-20-04, 03:02 PM
www.reptilefood.com is a good one in the US.

04-20-04, 03:13 PM
Why not try to breed some crix, that will save you some $$$ :)

04-20-04, 04:45 PM
I ordered 1000 .25" and 1000 1" from lllreptile.com for 23.98 shipped

I guess I haven't looked into breeding before