View Full Version : PCPC show buys...

09-15-02, 09:07 AM
I just got back from the expo, was only there for a little while 'cause I gotta get back home early...but I picked up a sweet little male boa constrictor and a baby ghost corn (don't know the sex, didn't ask...doesn't really matter to me) both from Sciensational Sssnakes...the show was awesome, I wish I could've got a baby chameleon but, alas, I don't have the proper "facilities" to keep one right now, maybe next time...my cousin's boyfriend also picked up a baby Tokay from High Quality Reptiles, very nice colouration on it, too!! Great show all around, I wish I could've stayed longer, but the trip back to Montreal is a long one and I have some serious schoolwork to do before Monday...I'll be posting pics by tonight!!!

09-15-02, 11:58 AM
picked up this female reduced pattern from Grant at the PCPC table today. Thanks Alot Grant!! I also picked up a nice normal female from Markus Jayne, will post pics of her a bit later.

<img src="http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/2327reducedcopy-med.JPG">

09-15-02, 12:35 PM
that show pretty good.. i didnt get any animals tho.. :(... only got mice and mealies.. i wanted to get a female ball from markus jayne... but wasnt sure..

09-15-02, 01:14 PM
i didnt like the show.... Not enough monitors..... no frilleds..... the baby aussies and ackies were neat though.

09-15-02, 05:37 PM
I really enjoyed it!

Baught myself a cb New Guinnea carpet pyhon from grant .. Amazing animal .. btw Thanks Grant for all the help this weekend!

I had a blast got too meet lots of the crowd ... shane tessier and Jeff are even crazier than i though lol jk

Can wait to see those pics Shane .. u gotta post them soon!


09-15-02, 06:53 PM
For the small amount of time I was there, I enjoyed it...sorry I didn't say hi to the guys at the booth, but I was rushed out of the place after I bought my snakes by the people I came with, sheesh! I drive 5 hours to get to T.O., I tell them all about this great expo, I bring them along, and the second they get what they want we have to leave, chop chop! That's gratitude for ya! I think I was there for 1/2 an hour, tops...I just took some pics of the snakes, got in about 2 hours ago, the boa is a little grumpy after the ride, he was really great before the car ride, though...so, here's a picture of him just before he lunged at my face:

09-15-02, 06:54 PM
Here it is:

09-15-02, 06:56 PM
Here's the ghost corn:

09-15-02, 07:10 PM
I got a female het for albino ball and a pen hook... lol

09-15-02, 08:47 PM
I picked up a 66% possible het for albino male boa, and my girlfriend picked up a beauty adult female Bearded Dragon from Donald's Designer Dragons. :p I'd say the trip from Ottawa was worth it once again!

09-16-02, 11:59 AM
I got a thermostat, a bulb, and a sweet little female ball python from Mark Mandic :) I forgot to get silkworms and superworms though... :o


09-16-02, 12:22 PM
Very nice snakes you've got there rattekonigin, especially the snow.

btw, inked, that ball looks really cool in its coiled position.

09-16-02, 04:34 PM
this is the crested gecko i got at the pcpc show...its so sweet dude!

09-16-02, 04:38 PM
heres my new fat tail (with his new girlfriend)...the lighter coloured one without the stripe is the newest one...he ways a ton!!!yikes..his tail looks like a second head!!..lol...enjoy..

09-16-02, 05:48 PM
awww, what QT's!!

09-17-02, 08:11 AM
Hey dara (rattekonigin) your lil snakies are so cute....hopefully your boa calms down a little!!!