View Full Version : can you tell the sex of a spotted python just by looking at it

04-04-04, 01:41 AM
invictus i saw your pictures of your spotted pythons your females tail is the same as my spotted pythons tail and mines only 1 to 3 months old still a baby my neigbour said males take longer to get to a point and he said mines got a sharp point tail so is it possible that he is correct

04-04-04, 10:27 AM
Spottedpython, feel free to guess. I did at first. I guessed that my Spotty was a female. But it's not a for sure thing. I finally bought some probes and probed her, she's a girl.

So yes guessing can be right, seeing as how you have a 50/50 chance, however, the only for sure way is with probing or popping when they're very young.
