View Full Version : feeding question

Meat Man
04-03-04, 02:26 PM
Hey, I have a corn snake and am getting another on April 18 in New York. The snake I have now is going to eat his second fuzzy tomorrow. I was wondering, snakes eat less often when they get bigger, right? Like, a baby snake will eat every 5 days or so and an adult will eat every 10-2 weeks, right?

04-03-04, 03:00 PM
Some of them will eat as often as you feed them. Most people feed the adults less frequently because they dont need to eat as often as growing babies. That's up to you. Most people seem to say 5-7d for the first year, and 7-10 after the first year. Some people feed their adults every 14.


Meat Man
04-03-04, 05:32 PM
Alright, thanks a lot rwg!