View Full Version : Got my Sumatran STP!!

04-02-04, 11:29 AM
Got my sumatran STP from NERD yesterday, and needless to say Im in love with that snake!
Of course hes not being disturbed right now, as Im giving him all the quiet time he needs to aclimate.

For those who have STP/BLOODS I have a quick question.
Ive got his temps perfect (91 hot spot, 82 ambient, humidity 70% 2 hides,nice tight fitting cage for his security)
but I noticed that after he found the hot hide, he hasnt left it since yesterday morning, and I dont want him to over heat.Is it normal for them to stay on the warm side for so long? Hes got a nice hollowed out log on the cooler side but hasnt moved yet.

04-02-04, 03:20 PM
Congrats on the new acquisition. They are for the most part, capable of tolerating these high temps quite well, and so therefore, I would not sweat it too much. Keep watch! and make some adjustments if you feel the need to; like in: drop the temp on the hot spot some, it won't hurt to drop it (88/f ). The trick is to make adjustments as you see fit to, based on your observations.