View Full Version : tree frog tank setups

04-02-04, 08:54 AM
i know i posted this under my thread of "red eyed tree frog breeders", but it seems no one has read it. either that or has chosen not to respond haha.

well anyway, i have a 20 gallon high tank for a red eyed tree frog. but im not going to be getting it for a couple weeks. but i just want to have it set up and everything and make sure everything is right. andi was wondering if anyone has any pictures of their tank setup, or any good tank setup so i can get an idea of how to make a nice and good enclosure for him.


04-02-04, 09:06 AM
i dont have any now,but i found they prefered live plants to sleep on instead of silk ones,plastic was 50/50 with live ones,and they like a lower humidity than most care sheets say.I found with the high humidity,they got thin and sickly fast,but with about 50%they did better-i read something about they live in the canopy of the rainforest where theres more wind,and they develop a waxy layer during the day to help prevent drying out.They like lots of sticks to climb on too-im sure you knew that,and a shallow dish of water to rehydrate in every evening(dont know if youve handled em before but they store water that they squirt out if you pick em up,especially right after theyve restocked)
I found em pretty tough if you dont keep em overly wet,and have decent air circulation.IMO they dont like strong light on them either,so a fluorecent would be fine,as opposed to a brighter incandecent bulb.

04-02-04, 04:12 PM
ok thanks a lot. i saw some pictures on **************, and now i have a better idea of how im going to set the enclosure up.

i was wondering if a night-glo light would work good for them? they are black lights for nocturnal animals. and they also give off some heat.

one more thing, do you know how loud they croak?

04-03-04, 04:56 AM
this is my red eye setup. i disagree with what pirrahna said, nothing personal towards him. this is my red ye setup, you can see they are both alive and healthy, the larger one is 4 years old so i have to be doing somthing right. I personally use a repti glow 50 watt bulb, yes i have a 20 gallon tall setup, i keep my tank 84f in the day and 71 at night i use a bulb and a substarte heater so at night they do not have any light, i put their water dish above the substrate heater because they love to bath in the water, so i make sure its warm, i personally keep the humidity at about 70-80 percent, yes they can live in lower but this is preferable. What i am telling you is base 100 percent on personal experience, so i am not saying pirranha is wrong this is just what worked for me, take a look at my beautiful, healthy frogs and be your own judge.

04-03-04, 09:55 AM
thanks concept.

just one more thing, where did you get your retf from?

04-03-04, 05:01 PM
ummm... lol i dont know what retf is. If u mean the frogs i got the big one from a breeder through the bargain finder and the little one from petsmart. i do not like buying animals from pet store but not many people (that i know of) breed red eyes around my area

04-03-04, 05:02 PM
oh yeah, i also use silk plants which they seem to love, all day they sleep behind them

04-04-04, 12:07 AM
yeah a retf = red eyed tree frog. haha. anyway, i was jsut wondering because i also dont wantto buy one from a pet store. im really really hoping to find atleast one frog at one of the upcoming shows(18th and 24th). but if not, i guess ill have to find an online breeder or a store. either that or i can get another more common species. but i really want a red eyed

04-04-04, 04:32 PM
i have pacmans, chubby frogs, dumpy's, cuban tree frogs, and a couple fire bellies, out of them all i find the red eyes the easiest to care for from my experience. Also they are so beautiful and its a blast to watch them hunt at night, they crawl around and look so weird lol. if i were you i would definetly waight until you have a chance to get red eyes, its so worth it

04-04-04, 09:19 PM
you say red eyes are the easiest to care for out of all of them? a lot of stuff i read said they shouldnt be a first frog. but ive done a lot of research on them, and ill take your word on it.

jut one more thing. i know ive asked this before, but no one has answered me. how loud do they croak? and is it like, an every night thing?

04-05-04, 12:39 AM
its hard to describe the sound, it's a high pitched eh eh eh eh eh eh noise lol thats the best i can do, i hear mine almost every night, mine are in my bedroom and its not loud enuff to keep you up, they will call 1 or 2 times thats about it their not back and forth like my fire bellies, but if your worried about losing sleep, dont their not very noisy frogs

04-05-04, 12:43 AM
the olny hard part about keeping red eyes is keeping the humidity up, i have a screen lid that i covered a bit more than half with a peice of glass, i have a live plant and a water fall so i dont have to mist that often, the plant in the aquarium is small but in about a month it will give off enuff humidity i probably wont have to mist anymore

04-05-04, 07:47 AM
i dont think humidity wll be a problem. i have two chameleons in myroom also. so on top of his tank getting misted, so are their's. also, i had a humidifier in my room that keeps the average humidity at about 55-60% during the day, and it drops down to like 40% at night(that is if i leave my door open. if i leave it closed, then it stays higher).

so youre saying that they dont croak loud and not that much? and females dont croak, right?

04-05-04, 06:45 PM
no their not load, dont croak to often and im not 100 percent on the female, but im sure they do croak

04-05-04, 09:01 PM
oo, i heard that most wild caught species are male because they croak and that is how they find them, so i figured that females didnt croak. thanks though