View Full Version : Old Computer Junk = New Reptile Cages!

04-01-04, 08:56 PM
Hi all,
I work at a computer store and was looking though some of our old stock. I found these soundproofing cabinets for the old huge dot matrix printers (yes, this was very, very old stock LOL). They are a good size and have sliding plexiglass on the front. They seem to be made of metal covered in hard plastic. They also have a computer fan built into them which would be good for airflow. My boss says I can take them for $20 each! They are going to make some sweet enclosures and with minimal modification! Once I get them maybe I'll post some pics.

04-01-04, 09:59 PM
nice! Good luck with that, cant wait for pics!

04-01-04, 10:38 PM
Cool , pics would be great

04-05-04, 11:04 AM
thats a really great idea... they probably will turn out nice