View Full Version : New Corn ?

04-01-04, 05:26 PM
i just braught home a albino corn very pretty little thing. the substrate i have is green moss tho. i use it with my tokay gecko's and they love it would it be alright for my new snake, or should i use what i have for my 5 other snakes i just like the color contrast. oh yea i love my new corn its my first one

04-01-04, 09:47 PM
Live moss you mean? I don't know much about using live plants but I can't see how it would stay that way in an environment for a corn snake (drier).

04-02-04, 12:49 AM
no its dried moss it comes in a bag all drty it sys for all reptiles but so do a lot of things i just wanted to check

04-02-04, 12:57 PM
I can't say I've seen the stuff. You mentioned it's green? Is that from dye or the natural colour? If it's dye I would write it off, but otherwise I would think as long as it's dust free (little particles of moss) and is cleaned and changed out regularly (would you be able to see when it needs cleaning) that it would be fine to try. Be wary of any 'bugs' in the package.. especially if it's from a pet store. Also with that kind of substrate, you'd probably want to feed in a seperate container to avoid ingestion.

Congrats on the new corn :)

04-02-04, 01:38 PM
No I wouldn't use it. If it is the same thing of what I am thinking (it may not be) but it is really dusty. Just use paper towel, news paper, care fresh or aspen.

04-02-04, 04:45 PM
I'd have to agree with Saph, way too dusty, you'll experience respiratory problems with your snake if you use it.

04-04-04, 08:58 PM
k thnx for advice you just never no reading the labels