View Full Version : Shed comparison @ 1 month

04-01-04, 12:56 PM
Neph' - our African Rock - just threw off another one-piece shed and since I still had her shed from almost exactly one month ago (Feb 28) I laid them out for comparison. The old one has dried out and is a little the worse for wear, but you get the idea.

She's far from a giant yet - but at that rate of growth she's destined to be. Do juvies have an accelerated growth curve as one would expect?


04-01-04, 12:59 PM
wow, serious growth man. how long is that larger shed anyway?

04-01-04, 01:03 PM

I had a shot with a scale reference but of course that one came out too out of focus to be usable :P

Optimus Prime
04-01-04, 06:22 PM
they do grow fast don't they :)

04-01-04, 06:44 PM
She's mightay-mightay! Indeed they do - it's easy to overlook as time blurs past but finding that last shed and laying 'em out side by side just gave me pause enough to once again appreciate the expected.