03-31-04, 11:25 PM
Hey everyone, well as the title says I’m predicting a shed problem with my big female ball. I’m in the process of treating her for a fungal/bacterial infection and while she is being treated it is necessary for me too keep her cage dry, now my problem is, I’ve got that infection under control but cannot raise the humidity at all because of the chance of that fungus returning, and as I was cleaning her today which I now do daily before treating the infection I noticed her underside turning pink as it always does one of the first signs of a shed. I was glad too see this as it will help in healing the wounds caused buy the infection, but the humidity is too low for a normal shed, the only thing I can think of doing would be too soak her in warm water between cleaning her wounds and administering treatment. I’m not sure if this will be enough, normally I soak, along with a humid hide being added and raising the cage's humidity, any comments or suggestions would be great, thanks,