View Full Version : I guess I was Fooled!

03-31-04, 08:05 PM
I have had a Anerythristic A Corn Snake for almost 2 years and always thought that I had a male. I even posted ?'s way back when I got him as a baby. Well I have aquired 2 more corns and they are a proven pair. I intentionally bought the 2 for the price of one, so I could have the female for my male. Well now I have 2 females and 1 male.

I found this out the hard way, I saw what I thought were two male locked together, so I looked and sure enough they were mating. To my suprise....

So I guess I will be breeding corns sooner than I thought. Yes I was keeping 2 snakes in the same cage, I am waiting for my new cage to get here. I should have known better. So off to do some research I go and plan on making an incubator for the eggs.

By the way the 2 that mated are Anerythristic A & Sunglow.

http://www.savepic.com/freepicturehosting/pf.php?fid=17696 (0.1 Anerythristic A)

http://www.savepic.com/freepicturehosting/pf.php?fid=17053 (1.0 Sunglow)

http://www.savepic.com/freepicturehosting/pf.php?fid=17055 (0.1 Normal)


03-31-04, 08:08 PM
Well... congrats anyway! Lol.

04-01-04, 01:22 PM
crikey! do you reckon you can find homes for them ok?? I had a mighty accident a few months back.. a female anerthyristic decided she was better off without me and Ive never seen her since.. she was about 3 months old.. i then went out to buy another. Turns out he's a male.. so if she ever comes back (pleads to higher authority) i'll have to be buying a new tank.. even so young i couldnt risk putting them together!.. Good luck!!

04-01-04, 09:16 PM
I guess some are confused about the age of my new corns. They are adults more than 3 years old. I bought the pair and they were already proven by the first owner. Hope this clears it up a bit. Jamie