View Full Version : Veiled Cham Book?

03-31-04, 07:04 PM
What is the best book for the husbandry of veiled chameleons?

03-31-04, 07:19 PM
lol im not sure, i forget, trace use to post them, ugh!!!


03-31-04, 08:18 PM
the best book i have right now is

Chameleons there Care and Breeding
by: Linda J. Davidson,

and another good one to get would be the new version of the necas book its out now or very soon.

CHAMELEONS: Nature's Hidden Jewels
by Petr Necas

they are not veild specific but all the info u well need is in there and more. there are more but those are the two i can think of right now

04-01-04, 09:52 AM
I have both those books that collide mentioned and they helped me out quite a bit (Thanks to Trace for telling me about them).

04-01-04, 09:54 AM
Thanks everyone!

04-01-04, 03:40 PM
yeah, those books are the best ones ive seen. and ive also read good reviews about the first one Collide mentioned.