03-30-04, 02:15 PM
This has been a bad month for me, on herp stuff.
The place i get most my feeder insects (except mealies i breed them) have finally pissed me off enough that i won't be buying off them no more. Now my mouse place shut down with NO warning... There is a few places in St. Louis to get mice one's a 30 min drive the other is 45-60 mins, then there is a pet store i could get them at (but don't really like the quality, and the last time i got a hopper from there i kept it for 3 days gave it a bath and fed it well). I don't go through enough to buy from rodent pro (or else i would) the only other option i can think of is to breed them myself.
I've done a search on the forum and found out pretty much all the info i need. I would probly only need a 1.2 mouse count for the whole 3 snakes i have plus the babies coming soon. Anyway on to the questions...
How bad of a smell am i looking at with a 1.2 if i keep it clean on a regular basis (a few times a week)? What is the best pelets to feed them (i want a good quality diet)? and lastly what is the best substrate to house them on (easy to clean, and absorbs odors)?
I don't really want to breed them, but i feel i don't have too much of a choice with the lack of quality feeders i can find. Plus this way i know there diets and quality of care.
Thanks for any help!!!
The place i get most my feeder insects (except mealies i breed them) have finally pissed me off enough that i won't be buying off them no more. Now my mouse place shut down with NO warning... There is a few places in St. Louis to get mice one's a 30 min drive the other is 45-60 mins, then there is a pet store i could get them at (but don't really like the quality, and the last time i got a hopper from there i kept it for 3 days gave it a bath and fed it well). I don't go through enough to buy from rodent pro (or else i would) the only other option i can think of is to breed them myself.
I've done a search on the forum and found out pretty much all the info i need. I would probly only need a 1.2 mouse count for the whole 3 snakes i have plus the babies coming soon. Anyway on to the questions...
How bad of a smell am i looking at with a 1.2 if i keep it clean on a regular basis (a few times a week)? What is the best pelets to feed them (i want a good quality diet)? and lastly what is the best substrate to house them on (easy to clean, and absorbs odors)?
I don't really want to breed them, but i feel i don't have too much of a choice with the lack of quality feeders i can find. Plus this way i know there diets and quality of care.
Thanks for any help!!!