View Full Version : Salamander Safari (Dial up warning)

03-27-04, 08:00 PM
I just got back from the the Anual CHS Salamader Safari. It's normally held the last weekend of March, and kinda gives us Mid-westerners the notion that Spring is officially here (thank god) Weather couldn't have been any better, low to mid 60s, high humidity, on and off rain for last 3-4 days, even dense fog last night. The area we went to has VERY muddy, but if your not getting dirty then your just not having any fun.

Blue Spotted Salamanders were everywhere, I was quite impressed that some had hardly any blue speckling, but others had brilliant blue.

We also found a few Spotted Salamanders, but not nearly in the numbers as the Blue Spot.
This was a real big one.

Since the temps have been in the high 50s- high 60s for the last week or so we got some bonuses today too.
Garter Snakes were all over cruising for frogs, and also Love was in the air too.

In a little over an hour-hour twnety minutes Dave (my 8 yr old son) and I found 8 Salamanders and 2 Garter snakes. There were several groups, so I'm sure they had similar findings. Quite a few Chorus frogs too, but we didnt catch any, but they were quite loud though, you almost had to yell over them.

Was kinda disappointed the group seemed to be in a hurry to get out of there. Many promising logs were left unturned. But i feel we did fairly good for the short time we actually had.

03-27-04, 08:07 PM
wow, thats impressive that you got them breeding..awesome pics!

03-27-04, 08:10 PM
SWEET Two years ago i caught a spotty that i swear was nine inshes long, must have been a gravid female, but she was HUGE

03-27-04, 10:27 PM
Funny how you can have all these different exotic species of herps, but yets it's sooo cool to find the most common Gartersnake in the wild, or a 'lowly' salamander. I would never consider keeping one, but it's soo cool when you find them in the wild during a herping trip.