View Full Version : first herps

03-26-04, 11:24 PM
hi guys
i just found my first herps of the year tonight. Since it was raining i found 5 american toads and heard the wood frogs in the spring. Anyone else find there first herp of the year recently.

happy herping
oh and by the way when do the basking turtles start showing in ohio ?

03-27-04, 02:30 AM
Well since I saw a couple turtles the other day here in Ontario I'd say you could see some turtles anyday it's sunny now.

03-27-04, 11:40 AM
ok tys.......iv been down at the pond looking for the res,painted and softies but all i saw was a musk turtle today.

03-27-04, 02:28 PM
Only been out 3 times, but have found a good size WDB, many Wandering gartersnakes, one Mountain king (always nice!), many Sceloporus and Urosaurus and some nice skinks. A few rarer of our leopard frogs and some canyon tree frogs. Funny that I have not found any Masticophis yet, being these are always my first snake sightings on the year. Not to worry, they will be found. :)

I had a great time on the side of a rocky outcropping watching some vultures circle around me taking rides around on the nice breeze cutting over me just before I seen the WDB. The birds here in AZ are awesome to check out while herping. There are always Red-tail hawks, Harris hawks and some smaller falcons to be seen all over this state. Even a few introduced Bald Eagles new here, which I had time this winter a few weeks back to check out grooming themselves in the lower branches of a tree just off the road. As everyone else sped by to go shopping and whatnot, I was under the tree just checking them out for a good amount of time. Pretty cool I must say.

This state rocks....