View Full Version : Molt! *pics*

03-26-04, 11:20 AM
Hey all! My Rose Hair molted on Tuesday and I was lucky enough to see the whole process (didn't think it would be so soon!) except for her going onto her back. It was very cool and she is so hairy and bright now! And visably bigger! Here's a pic sequence...




I was a little surprised that the fangs were white. I understand I should wait a few more days until I put any crix in?

Thanks for looking!

03-26-04, 11:22 AM
Oh yeah... my daughter brought the molt to school to show her friends. One girl scared another while she was touching it, she jumped, the molt flew up and landed on my daughter and everyone freaked out! LOL wish I could've seen that :D

03-26-04, 11:35 AM
haha that's awesome!

The fangs will harden up and become black. I personally give my two a week after a molt then offer one cricket. :)

It's exciting to watch! You almsot get a whole new spider when they molt!


03-27-04, 09:58 AM
WOAH! That's awesome I didn't think that tarantulas were that flexible! :D Super cool!!

The biggest tarantula of mine that has molted for me so far was my 3" B. smithi.. I'm still waiting for my bigger ones to molt :) Would be cool... hopefully I'll be as lucky as you were and be able to watch the whole thing take place!

03-27-04, 11:07 AM
Thanks for the info Marisa! I'll get crix next weekend. And you're right, it's like having a whole new T!

Emily, I was so captivated by it that I missed the first part of American Idol! :eek: :D