View Full Version : new arrivals (pics inside)

03-26-04, 12:21 AM
well, it finally warmed up to shipping weather in my neck of the woods, so i took full advantage by having these little guys sent to me. the tank (30 gallon) had just been sitting there for almost two months now waiting for them, and they're finally here. all three have already eaten (a great deal, i might add). enought jibba jabba, onto the pictures.



the females



03-26-04, 12:37 AM
very cool looking. That sp are they?

03-26-04, 12:56 AM
hmm, i'm afraid i don't know what you mean by that.

also, i forgot to give credit to my supplier on this purchase, rob @ rkreptiles. he was very good to deal with, and i'd recommend him to other US buyers.

edit: figured you out, sorry i didn't catch that before. they are Rhampholeon brevicaudatus

03-26-04, 05:41 AM
update: my kingsnake escaped and ate them

03-26-04, 05:47 AM
i luv ur chams. Very perdyfulllllll

03-26-04, 11:31 AM
Congrats, those are some nice chams, I take it your addicted like the rest of us cham owners.

03-26-04, 01:51 PM
i'm getting there drew...now if only i could find a place for these clothes so i could fit a few cages in my closet... ;)

03-26-04, 02:08 PM
Just be like me and use your shower LOL. You don't need baths anyway, they're way over rated. J/k I use my unfinished shower for Neo.

03-26-04, 03:57 PM
they look really good huhet, good luck with them

03-26-04, 04:23 PM
Very beutyfull huhet! Love the first picture :)

03-26-04, 04:37 PM
awesome, hmmm i think i saw them on a site somewhere, get it off repti bid?


03-26-04, 11:57 PM
rob posted them on kingsnake. it's likely that he posted them on reptibid as well.

thanks all for the compliments. there will be plenty more pictures to come.

Drew S
03-28-04, 01:15 PM
Awesome chameleons :D

04-25-04, 03:42 AM
such teenie little legs with such big bodies to support..lol , i wonder how they do it. In any case they are cool though. :)


04-25-04, 06:33 AM
wicked chams man!

04-25-04, 09:33 AM
down here those things cost 60 to 160 each!


04-25-04, 03:09 PM
somebody went and dug this thread up, eh?

well, thanks for the comments. i guess it's time enough for an update. the bigger of my females (second in the pictures) turned out to be male, i'm pretty sure. it and the male were fighting pretty viciously one day, so i seperated them. i believe my real female to be gravid. she's plumped up well.

so besides that gender disorder thing, everything is good.

05-05-04, 11:43 PM
update: the female layed 4 eggs today!

05-06-04, 01:26 AM
woah cool! right after you got it it is doing its own thing...

05-06-04, 02:50 AM
yeah, took just over a month for them to settle in. hopefully incubation goes well, and i can figure out how to breed these daned crickets to get a steady supply of pinheads

05-06-04, 05:09 AM
Throw the crickets in a relatively large container. Fill it with substrate, like coconut husk. Put a small dish in there, filled with a substrate like moss, and pack it in there. Throw in a bunch of crickets, and they will breed for you, ensure they are fed well.

05-06-04, 06:45 AM
yes indeed make sure they are fed really well, if you dont its pretty much a garntee(sp) that they are gonna die, its harder then you think, ive been trying different ways for a long time now, and im starting another one soon, someone has worked but int he end they died cause i forgot to feed. But thegino one sounds like a really good plan im gonna try it out so ts all good


05-06-04, 06:58 AM
Here is a link about breeding crickets: http://www.chameleonnews.com/year2003/jan2003/crickets/crickets.html
Good luck,


05-06-04, 07:13 AM
Make sure you keep crickets warm as well, if I were you id skip crickets and breed mealworms, MUCH less effort needed for them, just a container with an eatable substrate such as oatmeal (what I use) about 3 inches deep, through in a bag of mealworms and the occasional piece of potato, I like using potato because it tends too dry up completely before molding, I leave the old ones in there they drag them down into the oatmeal and eat them, then you just keep them warm (the warmer the faster they breed) and too top it off if you end up with too many you can take out a bag of the worms and keep them cool it'll stop them from growing, and just use them as needed.
That’s my suggestion,


05-06-04, 11:09 AM
the problem is that our cricket eggs mold over in the substrate

05-06-04, 11:50 AM
we have no problems keeping crickets alive or even to lay eggs, it's just like leighton said, the soil that they lay in molds over when we keep it moist, and obviously we don't want it to dry out. what does everybody use as a laying medium? i just grabbed what we had on hand which happened to be a bag of generic soil.

lostwithin: thanks for that, but i don't believe that mealworms would be a good primary food source for pygmies. perhaps for some of the other animals in the apartment this would be useful though.

does anybody breed fruitflies? i need to look into that as well.

05-06-04, 11:59 AM
When i breed crix. I would use damp bed a beast (or similar products), it worked out fine for myself. I decided i couldn't stand the sound of crix. that close to my bed room so i quit doing it.

05-06-04, 12:13 PM
Hi, If your going too go with crickets try using Peat moss, I’ve used it for a few things and Never had it mold over on me, It has a high acidity, and holds moisture well. I don’t know what the laws are like in your area so you may not be able too get them but I hear lobster roaches work well and are very prolific breeders, They have too be kept at high temps though too breed, but this also stops them from escaping and invading a house.

drewlowe , I also could not stand the sounds of crickets, very annoying, plus they If the escape you hear them EVERYWHERE,


05-06-04, 02:58 PM
ha ha wanna know a funny story o boy, i was at the pet store buying criekts, the lady behind be asked why do you have crikets i told her, and she was like dont they get noisy, and i told her "YES!", and she said that she loves the sound of criekts:p ha ha so i guess everyone has there own opinion ha ha


05-12-04, 09:50 AM
u got any pics of those eggs online? I still can't believe how small they are! Good luck on the waiting game!

05-12-04, 03:11 PM
hmm it only takes around 1-3 weeks before the eggs hatch, what i think happened to urs is that it wasnt fertile, and probly wasnt warm enough, maybe to cool in your house. My house is pretty warm, year round. Use bed a beast, it is one of my favorite subtrate, I got 3 blocks for 10 bucks and the show, now thats a deal, and they expand!!! so i get more then i really need. This stuff is great, i suggest you use that instead of soil. In my opinion soil is really messy, and hard to work with, and i find that the food molds faster in it, but maybe thats me and cause my house is to warm. One more tip, do not close the lid, with no holes! why?

-they start to smell
-causes humdity, which makes food rot a lot faster
-a lot die

So just make sure they get enough air. Just some tips
