View Full Version : Hogs and color change

03-25-04, 08:44 AM
Just wondering what you all have noticed about the color change in your hogs. My snake room is naturally lit and as the days get longer her overall color change is more dramatic, she gets much darker now during the day. also I've noticed the last couple of feedings that if I feed her in the afternoon when she's still dark she won't lighten up that night. Anyone else notice stuff like this?


03-25-04, 12:35 PM
Yep. Its one of the big things with Hogs. I think most care sheets mention it.

Rainbows do it, and some other localities of Boa do it.

03-26-04, 01:50 AM
My Central American has quite a range of color too.

03-26-04, 10:04 AM
All of my BCI have color phases. With my super light boa, it's extremely noticeable. Nobody knows exactly what causes it, but it's believed to be a direct correlation of light and humidity levels. I proved this last night when my light boa knocked over his water dish while I was at work... came home and he was DARK, whereas he's usually lighter in the evening. It's really neat. :)

03-26-04, 10:21 PM
hehe Jeff Ya I knew they changed color. I was more curious about the different about triggers besides the typical day night change or the effect of the change in the day/night cycle on the animals.

thx Invictus the humidity trigger might explain why she hasnt gone light in the evenings. Her afternoon feeding response isnt the same as in the evening and the soaking wet rat spend more time on the newspaper. It puts the humidity up about 15-20% for the evening.