View Full Version : Jungle Corns

03-25-04, 04:50 AM
I haven't been able to find any good websites discussing jungle corns. Carewise, I know I'm fine, but just curious about things like pattern differences and maybe a little more about the genetics (other than it's a corn x king). Do any of you have pictures or more info? Thanks.

btw- don't have one yet, but I'm probably making a trade for one in a couple days.

beth wallbank
03-25-04, 09:57 AM
look down in these threads.......Walter has a thread for an albino in one. Quite the amazing animal.

03-25-04, 10:33 AM
Like Beth says there are a few threads on jungle corns here (most in the Colubrids forum rather than the cornsnake one) but a search (second button from the left in the menu at top of page) will bring them up.

A google search for 'hybrid' as well as jungle corn will get you started on some other web sites, but there are only a few sites that seem to actively breed or promote them and many places that have some of the most dramatic coloration in their offspring do not share the genetics of the mixes behind them - guess so that no one will copy their breeding efforts.

post some photos of yours if you get one - there are a few people on this list who breed them,

mary v.

03-25-04, 02:41 PM
Thanks Beth and Mary. I finally found more info that I was looking for. I'll put a pic up as soon as get it. Maybe you can take a photo for me when I get it, Beth? I still don't have a digital camera.
I would still love to see pictures of anybody else's hybrids if you have them :)

03-25-04, 02:50 PM
Feel free to email me & I can send you lots of pics of JCs Mark

beth wallbank
03-25-04, 07:35 PM
here you go. I hope it turns out. If not I will email it.


03-25-04, 09:36 PM
That is a gorgeous looking jungle! Is that the one you were trying to sell a while ago? If so PM me, I'd love to have him.

03-25-04, 09:41 PM
Oh, nevermind, I see Bighead is trading for it.

Get it man. That's a sweet looking jungle!

03-26-04, 01:47 AM
Oh, don't you worry. I was about to reply with a "You can't have it! I asked first!" I am also getting a 50/50 King pretty soon and an albino jungle from Mike (gonesnakee) this summer to breed with Beth's if all goes as planned. Depending on how deep I get into this hybrid business, I may breed the 50/50 to one of my snow, albino, or anery corns. Have you seen the albino jungles? Gorgeous. Thanks for the pics, Beth. See you tomorrow.

03-26-04, 05:12 PM
That would be Mark, not Mike.

As well, stay away from breeding your jungle from either a king or a corn. The babies will look just about pure king/pure corn, so nothing really special and easy to pass off as pure. Jungle to jungle breedings produce the neater looking animals.

Congrats, I'm jealous!

03-27-04, 05:02 AM
I just got him home!!!! What an incredible snake. The picture doesn't even come close to doing him justice. I bet you're really sorry you passed up that offer now, eh Katt? Don't worry, he will either be bred to another Jungle, or not at all.

I want to say how great it makes me feel to do business with people like Beth. I wish we could always give/trade/sell our animals to people we know and trust like this. Don't forget to let me know when those King babies hatch! Thanks a ton.
