View Full Version : Kings breeding and hurting each other at the same time?

beth wallbank
03-24-04, 03:54 PM
I am at my wits ends with these two. Hoping that someone can help. I bought a pair of 50/50 banded kings, both big enough to go this season. Both have had a good shed and have eaten several times now out of brumation. The male has happily bred my two albino kings without problem, but when I have put the two regular banded together, they tie, then try to eat each other. What the heck is this? What am I suppose to do in this case? keep pulling them apart, or let them finish their thing and hope that they do not harm each other? I dont want either one to be harmed in any way, but I have no clue how to get these two to just do their thing. Any suggestions would be greatful.

03-26-04, 10:39 AM
Sounds to me like you have 2 males. That's combatting behavior, not breeding behavior. The fact that the one male has bred 2 other females successfully is even further evidence that you've most likely got 2 male bandeds.

03-26-04, 10:46 AM
Yes, definitely sounds like two males. Try putting the normal "female" with the Albino females and see what happens, or re-prob her.

beth wallbank
03-26-04, 02:15 PM
reprobed, and the female went with the two albinos before even posting. Absolutely nothing. The two bandeds will tie and lock, but I have to stand and watch them breed, as about 5 minutes into it is when they both go berserk and think its dinner time. The pair of bandeds were probed three times now by three different people as 1.1

03-26-04, 02:33 PM
I think it's breeding behaviour to some extent. Lots of colubrids "fight" and get rough as I am sure you know. But in this case it definitly sounds like what you describe, dinner time. lol.

Who makes the first "feeding move" ?


beth wallbank
03-26-04, 03:48 PM
the female always decides she wants dinner. then the male i guess tries to defend himself, and there I am left pulling them apart.

beth wallbank
03-26-04, 03:49 PM
forgot to add.......shes FAT,. over fed, every three days a rat crawlie. Tried bigger meals but she doesnt want them.

03-26-04, 03:52 PM
I read someone else posting on another forum saying they always have good results with a larger male, so maybe by next year he can over take her in size and she will be less likely to eat him. LOL.

Or maybe (another guess here as it seems no one knows what to say really) she isn't ready and as soon as she realizes he is breeding her, wants dinner instead.

Maybe some of the king "Kings" will post some advice. Good luck with her next year, or later on if you try some more though :D


03-26-04, 04:11 PM
If you are sure they are sexed proper as stated its hard to say. Maybe they just aren't sexually compatible LOL He did well with the other girls. Both snakes burmated for breeding? Not that it should matter, but who knows. Is she considerably bigger than him? You say she acts first "eat wise" thats why I ask. A bigger male may make her submit easier. Usually its the male grabbing the female by the head to hold her still to do his business. Mind you some are pigs & will copulate with what they are trying to eat at the same time LOL Don't know what to tell ya except maybe try her with another larger male & monitor them closely. Good Luck Mark

beth wallbank
03-26-04, 10:55 PM
thanks everyone.........well hopefully she takes with the little breeding that they have been able to get in. She thinks hes dinner, so maybe next season.

03-27-04, 03:48 AM
I've had that happen, the female dosn't want to breed and fights the male, sometimes to the death! Had that happen to two different spieces! Dumerils and Candoia asper.

03-27-04, 03:41 PM
NO MEANS NO!!! LOL Sorry Beth I just had too LOL Mark

beth wallbank
03-27-04, 03:58 PM
LOL!! Mark.....you kill me. Too funny. But to enlighten things, they are together as we speak, and alive. Seems they needed introduction a few times I guess. But I wont leave them alone too long just in case.