View Full Version : South Africa
03-23-04, 08:07 AM
hi does anyone know what kind of reptiles there are over in south africa?
Gregg M
03-23-04, 11:37 AM
How far south are we talkin here...... There are lots of cobras and mambas, monitor lizards, there are tons of reptiles in S. Africa..... Gaboons and rhinos are pretty much limited from east to west along the equitorial belt........ You may find some puff adders but I do not think their range goes too far south........ If you can be more spacific and give me an exact Country in S. Africa I could help you out alot better.......
03-23-04, 01:11 PM
South Africa is a country in the southern part of Africa. :)
Gregg M
03-23-04, 01:45 PM
I think he was refering to Southern Africa..... :)
03-23-04, 02:48 PM
I think he was directly reffering to South Africa, seeings how thats exactly what he asked LOL I have been there when I was working directly north of it in Botswana's Kalihari Desert. There were Black Mambas, Cobras & Puff Adders for sure there. I didn't see any snakes really myself except for a few Puff Adders (they seemed to be the most common). There were tons of little lizards & spiders etc. in the desert, but don't ask me what kind LOL In S.A. itself being right along 2 different oceans I'd imagine there is all kinds of others in the coastal regions, but not sure what. Are you planning a trip? I'd avoid Jo-burg & go for somewhere like Cape Town instead its more friendly there. Seapoint is cool to check out (the point where the 2 Oceans meet). Anyhow if you do go have fun. Mark
Gregg M
03-23-04, 03:02 PM
I dont know what I was thinking or how I was reading his question.......... The funny part is I even argued after I was corrected.... LOL I can be alittle dopey at times....LOL
03-23-04, 03:25 PM
No worries Gregg. I had to get my digs in LOL I was really humoured yesterday by someone who didn't know Canada was part of North America. I think maybe we all could use a little geography session heh heh A guy like you should go to somewhere like the Kalahari though as you keep some of the native species & would probably really enjoy it. Mark >(
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