View Full Version : The Cimsonroom...
03-22-04, 04:50 PM
Has anyone tried this yet?
Not a bad little game to kill some time and make you pull out your hair.... if you have any. :)
03-22-04, 04:59 PM
I'm trying it, and i think its impossible to get out of the room:P
03-22-04, 05:21 PM
Seriously! Did you beat it?
03-22-04, 05:24 PM
What do I do with the Cassete tape! AAAAAAAAH
just played it for twenty minutes.. found everyting except for one item (im assuming cause there's one spot on the side where an item would fit) i watched the tape, nothing on it that was special.. That game is enough to make a guy go insane!!
What cassette tape? I didn't find one! All i have is a ring, a box and two keys.
Can you use the power supply?
03-22-04, 05:34 PM
lol thats a weird game
03-22-04, 05:39 PM
i got 12 things so far. I watched the video. Now im stuck with a key, an empty cd case, the box, the paper with the url and no clue what to do:confused: if ne1 finds the cd let ,me know!!!
03-22-04, 05:40 PM
Matt, how many things did u find? ive got the top 12 items and cant find nemore.
The power supply turns on the dvd player and when you open the drawer, there's a key.. use yours keys to open the drawers on the dresser.. The rings go in the box.. Also, there's a batter at the side of the bed.. and a second ring when you open and close the curtains a couple times :)
I found 12 things.. But i cant remember where i found the 12th.. it was the white peice of chalk or something.. Can you remember where you found it?? (started over and can't remember)
03-22-04, 05:45 PM
Oh, I beat it... ;)
03-22-04, 05:47 PM
piece of chalk:confused: if ytour talking about the metal rod, that goes into the top of the box, that is under the pillow, inbetween the headboard and the matress:) and tim:eek: Howd u beat it?!?
lol, looked like chalk to me :) Now i just need a CD i am assuming..
03-22-04, 05:51 PM
Well, you guys have given away all of the other secrets so I might as well keep one for myself.... :D
I need another battery! :mad: Thanks a lot Tim! LOL!
03-22-04, 05:54 PM
No cd....
03-22-04, 05:54 PM
Ha ha! No problem. :D
It's more fun if you solve it yourself. ;)
you're just having fun cause we're all pulling our hair out!!!
03-22-04, 05:57 PM
Hey man, I had to play it for almost 45 minutes!!!!! :D
Ha! I got my second battery :medtongue
Now to find that cd!
I'm still playing, I watched th cassette, and still have an empty cd case, not sure what's happening form here....still trying...
03-22-04, 06:03 PM
Pssssst... there's no cd.
Watch the tape again...... ;)
Sean Day
03-22-04, 06:06 PM
OK what is the number
I beat it!!!!!!!:bounce: :zi:
There was some things that I thought were stupid until it all came together.
the number would be nice!!!
03-22-04, 06:08 PM
If you followed all the clues, you should know the number.....
Matt, go back and check all your items.
03-22-04, 06:11 PM
I beat it, wasn't that tough
yeah yeah, you guys are very little help!!
03-22-04, 06:12 PM
I got it finally but I have a wicked headache now
Matt, you have to do a little "surfing".
sheeesh, now that i have done it, i feel stupid..
03-22-04, 06:19 PM
I can find the metal rod thingy
03-22-04, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by Matt_K
sheeesh, now that i have done it, i feel stupid..
HEY! Watch it....some of us can tget it LOLOLOL
Greg West
03-22-04, 06:21 PM
I have got everything and I have watched the movie. I dont get what is going on in the movie. Anyone want to explain?
03-22-04, 06:25 PM
I have 11 things and have no clue how to watch the movie. Put both rings in box and i have a battery. Oh well i'll keep playing and hopefully figure it out, Hopefully i'll have a few strands of hair left.
03-22-04, 06:27 PM
Ok... got everything exept for where you put the number.... Where do you put the number? I know what it is, I just don't understand why we need it?? AAH! Anyone know?
Tammy, number goes in the safe, you'll get something from it. Your last tool. Good luck. That was really neat. Took me almost an hour! I'm dumb.
03-22-04, 06:32 PM
..... There's a safe? The red box?
03-22-04, 06:34 PM
Grrrrr..... every time I click on the red box, it plays the movie. There's no way to enter a number in there..... unless I missed something?
Greg West
03-22-04, 06:34 PM
where is there a safe???? Dammit this game is driving me crazy
03-22-04, 06:34 PM
I still have... red box, url, and empty cd case....
03-22-04, 06:37 PM
How do you enter the number? Dammit I have things to do! :)
LOL.. i feel for you guys.. watch the movie carefully, that's how you get the safe!! :)
03-22-04, 06:46 PM
Thanks. :) I think....
03-22-04, 06:50 PM
Oh.. well jeez. I tried that like ten times, guess I just missed it by a bit. Lol! Now I feel dumb. It really isn't that hard once you figure it out :) Thanks guys.
Greg West
03-22-04, 07:01 PM
ok this game is going to be the death of me.. Where is the safe. I see the X on the movie. I try to click on it and it shuts it off and turns me toward the cd player. I give up. anyone want to fill me it. I hate these games when no one helps you cheat at the end.....
03-22-04, 07:02 PM
Where is the 2nd battery!!!!!?
03-22-04, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Greg West
ok this game is going to be the death of me.. Where is the safe. I see the X on the movie. I try to click on it and it shuts it off and turns me toward the cd player. I give up. anyone want to fill me it. I hate these games when no one helps you cheat at the end.....
BAH!! im having the same problem!:mad:
03-22-04, 07:08 PM
03-22-04, 07:20 PM
How the HELL do I watch the video!!??
03-22-04, 07:44 PM
ok this game is going to be the death of me..
Wait for me! :D
Originally posted by XtremeReptiles
side of the bed
Originally posted by daver676
How the HELL do I watch the video!!??
open the box, put the battery in, put the tape in and click on what i think is a lens..
03-22-04, 07:58 PM
after I watched the movie, what do I do?
what are the #'s, where do u find them
03-22-04, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Matt_K
open the box, put the battery in, put the tape in and click on what i think is a lens..
LOL! Ok, so how do I open the box? I've got the 2 rings on it, and the key, but it doesn't open...
03-22-04, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by Greg West
ok this game is going to be the death of me.. Where is the safe. I see the X on the movie. I try to click on it and it shuts it off and turns me toward the cd player. I give up. anyone want to fill me it. I hate these games when no one helps you cheat at the end.....
When the + sign appears, put the cursor directly on it and wait until the video is over, then click three times. A box appears on the wall, open it - the safe!
Daver, the key doesn't go in the box. the metal rod does.
Also, watch the video CAREFULLY and click where he points when the video is over as many times as the icon blinked.
Originally posted by daver676
LOL! Ok, so how do I open the box? I've got the 2 rings on it, and the key, but it doesn't open...
you need the white steel or whatever it is.. It's between the matress and the head board.
03-22-04, 08:55 PM
the batteries not at the side of the bed? where at the side?!??!
03-22-04, 08:56 PM
FINALLY! That was really frustrating- be sure that I sent it to all my friends.
03-22-04, 08:57 PM
just got in from hockey and finished:D seems so easy once its done:P
Originally posted by Bartman
the batteries not at the side of the bed? where at the side?!??!
the side against the wall.. i have faith in you!!! LOL
03-22-04, 09:05 PM
I clicked on every ince of the part where the white part of the bed touches the red wal..where in gods name should i be clikcing!
no answers and no battey make adam go something something, go crazy? DONT MIND IF I DOOOOOOOOO WSGHLSKGHLK:GJLDGJ;dlgj - simpsons :)
at the foot of the bed.. click to the right on the floor.. its between the wall and the bed.. im gonna play again now, just to make sure..
03-22-04, 09:12 PM
Click to the right of the mattress on the floor. The battery is there...
Thanks for the help! I feel stupid now, but I got out of the damn room!
the battery is DEFINATLY there :D
03-22-04, 09:14 PM
yea i fell like an idiot..just got the fluke!!
edit, so i beat it!! thank god!! dun wanna ruin it for other people but the plus sign was so obvious, and so was the code for the safe..i went to the place you need to find it :) way before i even needed bald!!
03-22-04, 09:48 PM
Just think of all the frustration this game has caused! :D
There is supposedly a 2nd room coming soon....
03-22-04, 09:56 PM
Just think of all the frustration this game has caused! There is supposedly a 2nd room coming soon....
a second ehh, i cant wait:p
Right on! Maybe it'll be the blue room!
everything was going smoothly until I decided to read the memo and the page wouldn't took a few tries...the guy in the video reminds my of Hilarious House of Frankenstein....when Igor and the Wolfman would dance on the pshychadelic screne.....I loved that show:p
03-23-04, 06:57 AM
I got everything but the code.........dang!
03-23-04, 07:15 AM
I got it nevermind! YAY
03-23-04, 07:53 AM
Good lord, that game is a bit of a pain, makes me want drink..a nice stiff screwdriver perhaps.
03-24-04, 02:46 PM
Woohoo!!! I did it! :D Took me about 20 minutes though *L*
It's pretty easy or at least "duable :) " once you know that you need to click on the "+" and when to click it..
Without that clue, I'm pretty sure I'd still be there trying to get out.
03-24-04, 05:07 PM
wheres the second ring, i got the one in the plate. i got it last time, but i dont remember
03-24-04, 05:09 PM
and the second battery, i got the on inbetween the bed and the wal......
03-24-04, 06:12 PM
how do you get the code?
03-24-04, 06:19 PM
never mind
03-24-04, 06:20 PM
Got it! lol
03-27-04, 09:34 AM
Ugh, I tried playing this game again and am stuck with the code part... can anyone help?
03-27-04, 09:37 AM
ARGH DAMNED URL LOL, I FOUND THE CODE.... I'm surprised I realized that.
where do you put the box to put everything in it??
ok so i finally watched the tape! What is the number??
03-27-04, 01:19 PM
Go over the note again.... :)
that @%*# code!!!! What is it?
03-27-04, 03:58 PM
go to the web address on the note....
I did but it said that it couldn't find it!!!!
YES!!!!!!!! I did it:):):)
03-28-04, 09:46 PM
Heh heh heh, it was fun, and a great way to frustrate everyone! *L*
06-02-04, 03:02 PM
it won't let me get the screwdriver.
06-02-04, 03:08 PM it.
06-02-04, 08:43 PM
ok I am at the end, where I watch the tape, and I see people saying to click on the + sign. I have and all it does is make me come back facing the CD player.. I can't get the safe to show up, (evern pushing the spot on the red wall 3 times...)
what the #$%$ Do I do? What am I doing wrong??
Wait until the video is completely over, then click where the + is..
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