View Full Version : Need An ID ASAP!
I need to know if this is Varanus salvator or Varanus salvadorii:
03-22-04, 02:54 AM
wow thats pretty but looks like none that ive seen before.....
03-22-04, 05:16 AM
It looks like salvadorii to me, but I'm definitely not a water monitor expert.
Scales Zoo
03-22-04, 10:53 AM
I'm no expert either, but that doesn't look like any baby water I've ever seen, and it doesn't look like a baby croc.
Maybe it is a cool salvator ssp that I'm not used to seeing, but I think it is another kind of monitor all together. Hopefully a more expert opinion will be able to answer this - my post will atleast bump the thread up.
Gregg M
03-22-04, 11:04 AM
It is not salvator or salvadorii....... It is Varanus bengalensis....... They are CITES 1 so ya better have paper work.......
Scales Zoo
03-22-04, 11:14 AM
Good one Gregg, any idea what subspecies of bengalensis that might be? I'm leaning towards V. b. nebulosis, from the eastern part of their range - haha.
Gregg M
03-22-04, 11:20 AM
That does look more like nebulosis than V. b. bengalensis to me....... I would say your guess is correct Ryan...... Good call....
the bengal monitor and the malayan water monitor look fairly similar as juveniles from what i have managed to find about them. is there any chance it could be a malayan water dragon? my guess for the best identification will be to post new pictures when it arrives, as that is not the best picture for identifying purposes.
kevyn's better half, meaghan
Gregg M
03-22-04, 11:34 AM
That pic is good enough for me or anyone that knows monitors to be 100% sure it is V. bengalensis...... V. salvaror and V. bengalensis look nothing alike at any stage in their life....... All I can say is do not get caught with that animal without having the proper CITES permits....... If you notice, its head is much shorter and it is totally lacking snout bands...... Plus the back pattern is totally different then a "Malayan Water monitor"......... You asked for a positive ID and you got one..... I guess you were not happy with the answer you got........ It is 100% without a doubt a Bengal monitor..... And like I said, paper work is a must, unless you dont mind paying fines and serving jail time......
its a bengalensis nebulosis. malay water dragon. no way. salvadorii or salvator? nope. a frog, no sorry. a rhinoceros chicken snake? nah not this time, (gregg lol). bengals are related to salvator, but prefer staying away from water ways. salvator has that area covered. they eat very well, almost bottomless pits. they can reach 5 feet or more. they sometimes have a frantic feeding response that is taken out on your fingers or what ever else is nearby. feed that baby everyday! get it in proper conditions and enjoy. they are among the toughest varanids. good luck! -john
Scales Zoo
03-22-04, 12:30 PM
John would know if it was a weird salvator ssp (water monitor).
03-22-04, 12:44 PM
The coloring looked like a croc to me..... But now that I look at the head shape, it can't be..
03-22-04, 12:54 PM
CITES won't care unless you're moving it or its offpsring across international borders. Look at all the people without Dumeril's paperwork. CITES doesn't give a rats a$$.
jeff, dumerili are cites 1? -john
Gregg M
03-22-04, 12:57 PM
How does that look anything like a croc????? Maybe I cant see the big yellow spots on the dorsal that you somehow see.....LOL.... And yes Ryan, John would know if it was a salvator or not....... When it comes to Asian monitors, Johnny boy makes me look like an idiot.....LOL But I will school the he!! out of him on African varanids and venomous snakes........LOL...... And Jeff it depends on the appendix and believe it or not CITES does give a rats a$$ depending on the species...... Bengals are highly protected......
Greg I'm fine with the id. I was just putting forth another question. Thanks for the help everyone.
ironically, bengals are cites 1 but they are not rare in wild or close to the verge of extinction. back in early 70s i think, the govt banned importation of live bengalensis and halted importing skins for leather based products. the skin trade lives on and bengal skins are still used but sold under synonyms like "varanus monitor", or v. salvator. other bengal types include v. b. irrawadicus and v. b. vietnamensis- both extensions of bengalensis range up into china and south east asia (viet nam, laos, cambodia). -john
03-22-04, 01:17 PM
Greg, it was a guess. obviously a wrong one :)
gregg, stop picking on newbies. tough guy deek. so what if he thought the bengal was an agamid. school me in african varanus? lol go play with your little geckos. bring over the extras, cody wants to see if carrot tails taste like carrots. -john
Scales Zoo
03-22-04, 01:45 PM
Jeff was reffering to Dumerils boas I'm guessing.
And Jeff, the monitor in question was coming into Canada I beleive (another post on this forum, same picture), and that is what sparked the permit question.
Greg, just to back track abit again, I just don't want you to think that there was any disrespect intended. I have nothing but respect for you as a keeper, for your knowledge of herps, and I enjoy reading your posts and learn a great deal from them. Just so there was no confusion. Thanks again all.
Gregg M
03-22-04, 08:49 PM
Thats cool Kevyn..... Thats the problem with looking at words on a computer screen...... You cant tell how the other person is actually expressing themselves...... Hey I was not mad and I did not feel you were disrespecting me in your post and if anything I am the one who should apologize for sounding a bit nippy.....LOL...... So, sorry for that...... Enjoy your new varanid and if you have any questions at all just ask...... Later......
I won't hesitate to ask Greg, and thanks for all your help.:)
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