View Full Version : its about time I got a name
03-20-04, 03:09 PM
Hello everyone,
I must admit, I've been lurking for at least a week now... no, more than that. I don't actually own anything reptilian yet though. I am a firm believer in researching before acquiring!
My plan is to get a gecko(s). I am NOT a snake person by any means, although I can't help but think green tree's are purty.
I am currently living in NS, but I could be moving in the next few months, which is the only thing holding me back from already having one. I have two kittens (Sophie and Jack) that my bf and I raised since they were two weeks old. I also had a hedgehog, but our current apartment was too cold for her, so I found her a new home (another reason there are no geckos here yet!)
I am a biology student; I have my BSc and I am hoping to be continuing with my masters soon.
So anyway, see you all around!
03-20-04, 03:16 PM
Welcome to the site!!!! :)
welcome, good luck geting a gecko
03-20-04, 03:31 PM
welcome to the site!!
rattler keeper
03-20-04, 07:23 PM
hope you find this site as helpful as I have. Welcome!!!
03-20-04, 08:09 PM
Well I spent about an hour in the local pet store staring at their lizards and I've come to some conclusions:
1) reptiles are great!
2) I want I want!
3) Nile monitors are gorgeous - and could easily mistaken as a great pet for any old Joe Schmoe who walks in there
4) Uros are just as great and I want some, but I don't want a huge tank any time soon
5) Geckos are CUTE! But expensive around here. There was a cute Golden Gecko in my price range, though. He didn't have a tail though. There were also some white spot geckos which were neat, but I can't find any info on them
All in all it was a great night ! Although I had to force myself to leave without buying a lizard I knew nothing about
03-20-04, 08:11 PM
oooooooo ! AAANNNNDDDD I learned that I can stand being around snakes! As long as they were just sitting there, but the kingsnake was slithering around and I didn't like him. The ball python was nice though.
Welcome to ssnakess. I never ever saw myself keeping anything other than snakes, but I ended up with a leo.
03-24-04, 04:28 PM
Welcome to sSnakeSs! :)
03-26-04, 01:28 PM
Welcome to the site!
It is hard leaving empty handed isn't it! I wouldn't suggest getting any reptile from a pet shop. You never know what your going to end up with. And may end up spending a ton of money in vet bills because of it.Try and find a good breeder.
Again welcome, this is the BEST site ever!
03-26-04, 01:32 PM
Welcome to the site!
03-26-04, 09:43 PM
Cute avatar btw :D
03-26-04, 09:51 PM
I second what Sapphire said about buying from a breeder. Even the people working at the pet stores in the area admit they get theirs directly from breeders as well, as they have no idea where the store stock comes from.
03-26-04, 10:27 PM
I totally agree :) I'd much prefer to buy from a breeder, but for awhile I couldn't find anyone locally with cresteds. Turns out Neil Meister DOES have cresteds, so we'll probably get them from him.
03-27-04, 10:52 PM
:cool: I know you're kinda new and all, but does this website have any cobra forums??You don't like snakes, so how did you get aquainted with the site?????????????
Naughty Nat
03-28-04, 12:40 AM
Welcome to snakes. I'm a gecko person my self and I also love Green tree's and boa's. I simply think they are beautiful to look at and to admire.
03-28-04, 09:22 AM
I'm not sure where the quote came from about how I found the site, but I was just searching for geckos Canada I think! But I have been perusing the snake forums lately out of boredom because I've read everything I can get my hands on about geckos. Most of them still creep me out, but I've seen a few ball pythons and they didn't send me screaming so who knows that the future holds? (skinny snakes like corns, kings, etc still FREAK ME OUT!)
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