View Full Version : You Know You Are An Addict When....
09-11-02, 08:02 PM
You need a new nightlight for your 5 year olds room so you drag out one of the many ten gallons from your closet, whip on a screen, a lamp, decorate with ceramic skull and tropical plants, then mention what a great place to put a corn snake...
lol, this might be a fun thread...I have many more addict examples, but lets hear some of yours first!
09-11-02, 08:03 PM
LMAO!!! thats hilarious :P
When you tear out your closets and throw out your couch to make room for more snake cages, you might be an addict! *G*
09-11-02, 08:17 PM
As you are chopping up many fruits and veggys you realize that your cridders are eating better that you and your family are!
09-11-02, 09:08 PM
Silver Tongue, that is so true.
jason h
09-11-02, 09:47 PM
LOL when you stock up on back pills cause you need to move your snake the next day!!;)
so true about the critters eating better than the people....that is pretty funny......well i know i am addicted!!
When you want a new car and new computer, but you put cash aside every week to buy snakes. I'll never get a new car! :D
09-11-02, 10:46 PM
Tell me about it! I have been trying to build a recordiong studio for the past 4 years and have spent no more than $1500 bucks on it. I've spent that much on snakes in the past two months! What is wrong with me?!?!?!?
We should set up a reptile addiction forum where we can all go to confess our latest sins.
09-11-02, 11:11 PM
lol, just spent $500 USD on digicam just to take macro shots lol
LOL that's what we're talking about doing Rev! Planning on giving our cheapy to our daughter, we just can't shoot enough pics of the critters around here, running through batteries on that dang digital like our snakes run through mice on feeding day!
Originally posted by sophia
... and throw out your couch
Yup, and your wife is constantly reminding you that "We need a couch!".
"But, but, but, a 125 would look soooo good there!"
09-12-02, 06:23 PM
Hmmm... maybe I don't feel so bad now ;) I haven't done anything TOO crazy yet -- no getting rid of furniture, just rearranging... and bringing in a few pieces that kind of accidentally turned into tank stands ;)
Hmmmm.... well, I have ripped out cupboards and converted them into snake shelving units, I have stacked tables on top of eachother (that house snakes) to make more room, I have gotten rid of ALOT of furniture to make space, I have a living heap of stuff sitting in the middle of my room because I have no room to put it............ Doesn't matter if I am in need of food or clothes I "can't afford it right now" hehehe no wonder 'cause I just bought this and I'm the process of buying that.......weeeeeeeeeee! :p I was supposed to be in better space by summer, well, thats lookin grim but hopefully I will be out by xmas.......if not.....well......I think the bed might be on its way next :rolleyes::p
lol Were all the same way .. I am finaly moving out (OCT 15th yeah - so much room) but b4 that .. I had intentions of building a cage that was 6 x 4 x 2 .. make it really REALLY sturdy and actually have my bad on top of it! It was really space efficient an would of made a huge cage for my monitors..
Now I have the room for it and my bed YEAH! My rooom consist of a bed .. a dresser and cages .. nothing else .. lol alll my paychecks goes to my animals .. i love it!
Its nice too know were all crazy in here lol
Take care
LOL Dom I was just about to suggest a futon on a platform!!!
This is just too much, so is there a snakes annonymous anywhere? And would I want to join???
I doubt it!!!
LOL!! thats funny yal!!!!! :p:):zi:
jason h
09-13-02, 06:27 AM
LOL Dom!! theres a guy in the states that did that with his caiman enclosure and put the bed on top hehe!!:D
09-13-02, 07:10 AM
i've gone form a queen, to a bit smaller than a singl,e except as soon as my parents approve i'll make a 7'long X 3'deep X 2' high cage under my bed!
Hahahahaha.......ok you know your an addict when...........everytime you fall asleep your dreams are filled with know your an addict have resorted to buying *used* rubbermaids to conserve funds......weeeeeeeeeeeeee! :o
09-13-02, 08:48 AM
Your friends ask you when the last time you scored was and you reply "Man, it was great this guy sold me this 8' female Colombian and the 125 L for dirt and it is just in time for breeding season!"...and they look at you...."WHAT THE HELL ....are you talking about??"
This one is my favorite :D
haha :D
09-13-02, 10:23 AM
"Your snakes are having a better sex life than you and you're happy about it! "
LOL !!!
09-13-02, 11:06 AM
Now that last statement I'll agree with!!!
Well, most of the time.
Heh heh...
09-13-02, 11:36 AM
ya know you are an addict when.....A horrable flood hits some citys about 4 hours from you destroying everything in its path and the first thing you think of is.....Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Lets drive there! I bet I could find LOTS of herps there now!!!
09-13-02, 07:58 PM
omg Linds...i thought it was just me that always dreamed about snakes...and i'm always worried about em in my dreams...i always have to save them, or i'm not able to get to them to care for, my boyfriends even caught me mumbling in my sleep about snakes and geckos :rolleyes: how's that for obsessed....
Uh oh, I'm always dreming about getting struck by a copperhead here of late, I just thought I was dreaming of being bitten by local wisdom and that it pertained to ascention on the alpha planes and such. Could it really mean that I'm getting into hots and I better watch where I put my hands? LOL
Do de do do Do de do do {G}
I'm serious about the dreams though, I must have had that dream recurr at least a dozen times in the last few years and it always happens in my herb gardens.
09-14-02, 11:32 AM
Well, if you defrost shrimp, clams, crayfish, and assorted other seafoods ......... and not use any seafood sauce, you know you're not getting any of the seafood, and its all going to your big monitor collection................. ugh
Renovating ur basement living room to make a new bed room for ur mom so u can tear down her old room to make ur tropical room bigger:D
Building an extension of the extension to make ur temperate room bigger:D
Taking over the garage for more mouse breeding cages:D
Hello my name is Annette ,and I am totally and forever addicted to reptiles:D
09-15-02, 12:08 AM
You know your addicted when you notice that your animals cages are cleaner than you house is!
You know you're addicted when your little sister shows you her new pet rabbit and all you can think is "Snake Food!".
09-16-02, 11:56 PM
You know your addicted when... You have more friends in a animal forum than you do in real life!
beth wallbank
09-17-02, 01:22 AM
-you use sex as bribary with your hubby to get that next herp.
-your entire wardrobe has some form of reptile on it and it is considered by you to be formal wear
-your husband who is a mechanic, looses his garage to hold more mice and rat cages.
-you frequent pets stores in every town you visit, know the employees by name, and are often instructing future buyers on where to go instead of buying from the pet store.
-every single rubbermaid for your husbands lunches has holes punched into the sides.
-you would swerve off the road and cause a six car pile up to avoid running over a herp, but think of evil thoughts waiting for that one slow pedestrian that just cant seem to move any faster
-when opening your vehicle, aspen bedding litters the floor and seats, and there is always that slight aroma of vermine.
-your house is littered with reptile magazines and herp ornaments and pictures and not a recent kids photo in sight.
every single birthday or Christmas present requires immediate opening.
-you get visited by the local police because hydro seems to think that you draw too much power for regular use.
-you can never seem to manage to take the time to visit relatives that are within driving distance, but can travel an entire day just to go to the next herp show
-you can't remember what you ate a week ago, but can recite each and every herp feeding and bowel movement from memory
........I could go on forever with personal senerios, but I think you all can relate.....
09-17-02, 01:54 PM
LoL :)
You know you are an addict when.
There isnt a inch of carpet that doesnt have some form of substrate that has fallen on it.
You walk into petstores and employies point and say, "There is that girl (guy) I was telling ya about"
..........Hehe this has really happend to me. I have been called the Shrimp Lady cus of my ghost shrimp searching. I have been called the Snake lady and I have been called the lady with the Sugar Glider. Apparently I am the only one who goes into Petsmart and Petco with something other than a dog or cat LoL
Petstore employies come to you for answers about various animals.
U know ur an addict when.........U would rather clean snake cages than go out on a date:D
Date ??????What the He!! is that anyway:D
09-18-02, 09:02 AM
Mom doesn't visit, not even into the driveway. Sis just laughs if invited over. For some strange reason everyone avoids the freezer. Rabbit hutches tremble as I walk by, mice die from heart attcks if I look in the cage lol. An addict, who me? no way
09-18-02, 01:06 PM
Hahaha I hear ya, Rev! My dad refuses to go into the basement anymore, and gets someone else to go to the freezer for him! :p:p
09-21-02, 10:50 PM
Your wife is pregnant and you tell friends she is "gravid", You refer to your bedroom as your "enclosure", You get yelled at for trying to "coil" your pizza, You have been to the hospital more than once for " dislocating" your jaw
these are great and i can relate even if i have no snakes
my mom won't come and visit anymore and when i start babbling about who ate what, and who came out and 'played', and pooped and basked in the sun...her eyes glaze over
i see it but i can't stop myself
anybody who stays still long enough ends up listening to something about reptiles
my tanks are all clean and the critters are well fed but i needd to vacuum and dust, etc my own space
09-22-02, 12:42 AM
LOL Seanbones thanks! I about peed my pants reading your last post! LOL
09-23-02, 05:14 AM
you know your an addict when you....Lie to you father as to how much the herp is going to cost make him drive all the way to toronto, and say but we drove all this way *pouts*
lol...this thred is so true and really funny! my friends call me crazy but now I know I'm not alone.
09-23-02, 04:45 PM
or you swerve to the side of the highway to look at a herp
thats ****ing hillarious
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