View Full Version : Would just like to s tress one point

03-19-04, 10:48 AM
I have not posted info in a while, and my intent is to continue this trend. However, for all the new chameleon people out there, I can't stress enough how important it is to do your proper research BEFORE the purchase of the chameleon. I know a few people buy and read later, however, by the time you get all the information you need, it may be too late. So please, for the sake of the animal, do all the research and information gathering you will need before the purchase. If you are not clear on proper care, do not buy until you are cleared up on all the fuzzy areas.


Gregg M
03-19-04, 10:56 AM
That is very good advice and it should hold the same for all animals...... Research, then buy.......

03-19-04, 02:05 PM
I totally agree. I guess I stessed chameleons because it's what I know ;)


03-20-04, 07:31 PM
lol yup do your research, its helped me out a lot, it will also help you out in the long run


03-20-04, 10:58 PM
Hear hear, or is it here here?
haha, oh well, I agree 100%, ask the basic questions before you get the animal to ensure it a happy life!


03-20-04, 11:54 PM
Not to mention, have the enclosure and all its aspects ready before purchasing the animal.

03-20-04, 11:58 PM
I agree you should if you buy your animals. For me I can't have pens ready. I run a rescue, and stuff is just dropped off without any warning i.e)veiled chameleons. Luckily I researched pretty much every type of lizard,chameleon,turtle and quickly did what I had to do. Check the my gallery for pic of the guy.

03-21-04, 12:00 AM
Sure you can, basic simple enclosures ready for the instance in which a rescue may be brought in. Just like they have enclosures at your local vet clinic for emergencies.