View Full Version : Copulating Solomon Boas
03-19-04, 02:41 AM
Well, what's old is new again. It's been a couple years since I produced these,after my old breeder, got sick, lost her tail and eventually died(but she was old). These were both 2000 babies, and siblings. This should be the start of a new generation of Candoia carinata paulsoni.
These snakes are like the variable kings of the small boas. They all look different, even within the same litter. While babies are small and take a bit of work, they are trouble free adults and a very manageable size.
Here is a pinky/red female that is ovulating, being bred by a black and white male... So the offspring should be both extremes plus middle of the road blends.
Awesome Roy!!! that female is amazing looking!!! You know i DEFINATLY wanna get one of those babies from you :) Good Luck man
03-19-04, 03:07 AM
Thanks Matt no problem if she goes, You'll be first on my list. Why just one?
Mine were all from a group that Grant had many years ago. I might be F3 but not much more.
I really want to get some Isabeles from Jerry Conway, the Candoia king, but last time I talked to him, he wasn't too interested in doing CITES.
So I'm making my own Isabels through selective breeding.
I personally feel that most phases exist in the genotypes of all of them. I've produced everything from brick reds to pure black and whites
03-19-04, 06:54 AM
Very interesting Roy, very interesting indeed!
Expect an email,
well, if you keep twisting my arm, i think i'll give in and take more then one :) Quantity discounts, right?? LOL talk to ya soon Roy :)
03-19-04, 11:04 PM
Very nice Solomons! I love Candoia, Isabels are especially nice. Do you only have C. c. paulsoni or do you have other species aswell? I've been looking for CB solomon neonates...maybe this will be my chance.
Jerry does have some nice animals. Have you seen his patternless?
03-20-04, 06:16 PM
Right on Roy! How many babies do they usually shoot out?
03-20-04, 06:33 PM
That's awesome Roy! Best of luck! :D
03-20-04, 10:06 PM
Sweet Roy! :D Solomon's are just amazing -- great to see you're working with them again :) Guess I've got yet another thing to start saving my pennies for now.... ;)
Good luck with this year's breeding!
Hope that tons of babies will be poping out this summer and that you wont have to force feed any at all!
03-21-04, 01:46 AM
Thanks guys and Jen!! It still love my Candoia and fortunately kept several back from past litters.
They really are great little boas, low maintenance once you get them past the "shoe string" stage.
About half of mine eat pinkies right away, the other half I put on the pump for a couple months, but I generally don't lose any. I helped a friend (Curtis S)get a big litter of 34 going 2 years ago. He took half and I took half... Not a single specimen died.... They click in pretty fast
Ken, litters vary with the age of the females. They start producing around 4 years of age, and first litters are usually around 15, but large females will produce over 20 up to about 35.
Here's some pics. This is the exact litter from which this years breeders are from.
03-21-04, 05:18 AM
Holy crap!! That's so cool! Are they nippy right away?
Holly cow!
Those are super nice!
The more I see photos of boas the more I want to work with them...
saves a bit of time space without the incubation
Lovely shots Roy!
03-21-04, 12:44 PM
Jeff, Candoia babies aren't the nasty little SOB's cenchris are. They will strike on occasion by they have tiny mouths.
They tend to do a much weirder thing than finger chomping. They turn into stiff twigs as a weird form of defense.
Back years ago, I almost tossed a couple out thinking they were dead. They go totally stiff, like a branch, and you could probably use them as chop sticks.. LOL
what size cage was that??
03-21-04, 03:56 PM
Ha ha rigor mortus as a defence? Wonder if that would work for the ug-os at the bar? LOL!
Good stuff Roy. Learn something new every day. But when looking at them, don't they just LOOK like twigs! Makes perfect survival-sense if you ask me.
03-21-04, 05:29 PM
It's a rubbermaid box, the kitty litter size.
They don't need much room. I raise them for a couple years in shoeboxes then transfer them to a rack pan in this setup
Best of luck with them, Roy! LOL that's the most interesting defense mechanism I've heard of a snake exhibiting! :p
Wow those females and that redish litle one! Great stuff.
03-30-04, 10:24 AM
Very nice Roy. I like that rack also. Does it work very well?
04-11-04, 01:56 AM
good jod ^^
05-01-04, 10:12 PM
Hey there,,,these are one of my favorte snakes i have a 1.1 orange pair of solomon island tree boas and wow so docile and awesome,,and love the color change they do,also have isabels boas which are same group of candoia and a viper boa,,well not as docile lol.and blessed enuff to have a jerry coway baby wich is white isabel with orange stripe ..I also have a group on yahoo that i just started last week on candoia,,,so cool,,Jerry conways site is awesome on these you can access it off kingsnake.
my yahoo is
05-19-04, 12:35 AM
Are your Solomons docile? I work in the reptile department of a petshop where we have this really violent Solomon Island Ground Boa... Hes about 20'' and hez totaly crazy! When i read about them, everybody says theyre really gentle and nice, what do you think of that???
05-19-04, 01:52 AM
Mine strike at anything that moves, until you pick them up, then they're OK. Babies are really snappy for a while, but they rarely bite once you get them out of the cage.
05-19-04, 03:11 AM
they are very cute....... so hard to find in England. :'(
05-19-04, 03:42 AM
Awesome creatures. Love the wall paper behide the rack too.. heh.
05-24-04, 03:28 AM
She just shed today and is heavily gravid.
Hopefully she'll give me a litter by the end of June
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