View Full Version : Sparky the Christmas Light.........

Double J
03-19-04, 01:06 AM
Does anyone remember Sparkle the Christmas light???
He was this little red painted christmas light thing with a big smiley face, and he had a tape that had a song named after him in english and french. He is the self proclaimed "king of christmas lights."
Actually... I am asking because my girlfriend of three years had one of these as a child, but it was lost in a move when she was young. She has been trying to find another one for a while with no luck. Her birthday is coming up in May...... and I think it would be the perfect birthday present.. you know.. one of those ones that is from the heart rather than the wallet.
Anyway.. if anyone knows where I can get one... or if anyone has one that they aer willing to part with, let me know... it would be GREATLY appreciated. I will gladly buy one from anybody here... and I would of course, pay for the shipping. Even if you just have sparky himself and no tape.. that is alright too.
This probably sounds silly... but it would rock if someone pointed me in the right direction here.
Thanks a million.
Email me at foil_king@icybrian.zzn.com if you can help or pm me.. ...or respond to this post of course.
Thanks again
Double J

03-19-04, 01:09 AM
try ebay

Double J
03-19-04, 09:59 PM
I tried ebay.. no luck
But.. that may change once we start getting closer to the holidays.

Double J

03-20-04, 12:17 AM
... Never heard of it. stupid.com has a lot of off-kilter stuff, might check it?